{Memories Hurt - 3L & LL 🥀}

488 9 5


- Blood

- Death

- Gore

"Come on Martyn. This is an order. The Red Winter is coming."

Martyn shook, in his hands was the very ask that Ren had ordered him to slay him with. The axe was diamond, strong enough to behead someone. Carved in the handle, the words "Red Winter Is Coming💀💀💀" were engraved, carved by Ren himself. Speaking of Ren, the Red King was kneeled on the ground, waiting for Martyn to kill him. Taking a deep breath, Martyn raised the axe and swung.

The axe connected with Ren's neck, blowing off his head. Blood splattered everywhere, as Ren's body fell to the ground.

<Renthedog was slain by IntheLittleWood using "Red Winter Is Coming 💀💀💀">

The Red King was officially now on his last life, thanks to his hand, Martyn.

Martyn continued to shake, long after Ren's body crumbled away. He dropped to his knees, not caring if he was sitting in a pool of blood, the axe still next to him. He buried his face into his blood-stained hands.

"What have I done.?"

"Ren, I'm sorry.."

"I'm so sorry Ren.."


Martyn sat up, breathing heavily. He had yet another nightmare about killing Ren back in 3rd Life. He tried everything to get rid of those nightmares, from going to therapy to taking anti-dreaming pills, but nothing had worked. Martyn shivered, it was cold out, so he wrapped his covers around him. His mind couldn't get rid of the last scene; Him in a pool of blood, trying to process what happened. He looked at his clock; It was 2:45 am. He sighed, covering his face with his non-blood stained covered hands.

Just as Martyn was about to go back to sleep, until he heard a knock on the door. Confused, he stood up, walking over to the door to see who was knocking at a quarter to 3 am.

"Who is it, and why are you-" Martyn got cut off as he saw who was in the doorway. It was Ren. He was shaking, either from the cold or something else.

"Oh - Ren - come in.." Martyn stepped back, letting Ren in. Once Ren had taken his boots off, the first thing he did was wrap Martyn in a hug. Martyn froze, not knowing what to do. Just as he was about to carefully hug back, Ren stepped away, and all the words came flowing out at once.

"Oh my gosh Martyn. I just had a nightmare. It was about 3rd Life. I remember. I remember everything. I don't know how or why, but I remember. Even if I'm not a watcher or listener. Even if I'm not a winner. I remember me telling you to kill me. I remember dying. I know you can remember, since you're a listener, so I immediately went to find you once I had woken up. Oh my god, I'm so sorry Martyn.." Ren's voice cracked at the end. He pulled Martyn back into a hug, tears threatening to fall. Martyn immediately hugged back, now knowing that Ren also just had the same nightmare as him.

"It's okay Ren, I'm right here.." Martyn tried to calm Ren down, but the wolf hybrid continued to shake. "He's just like me when I started to have these nightmares.." Martyn thought to himself. Slowly, he brought them over to his couch, and sat down. Ren was still holding him tight, not wanting to let go of Martyn. Ren was shaking and crying slightly. Taking a deep breath, Martyn decided to use his method of calming down to try and help Ren.

"Okay Ren, look at me." Ren slowly looked up, tear tracks on his face, his ears drooped downwards, which would happen whenever he's upset or sad.

"Alright, I'm going to use a coping mechanism that I use on me to help you calm down. I've done this before, so just follow my lead." Ren nodded. Martyn gave him a small smile before starting.

"Alright, what are 5 things you can see?" Martyn asked. Ren took a moment to answer, before he finally gave his answer.

"Uhm.. My hands, you, the couch, the night sky, and your shirt." Ren quietly replied. Martyn smiled, before continuing.

"4 things you can touch?"

"My skin, your hands, the couch, and the T.V. remote."

"3 things you can hear?"

"Your breathing, your voice, and my voice."

"2 things you can smell?"

"Air freshener, and cologne.?" A slight laugh escaped Martyn before he continued.

"And finally, 1 thing you can taste."

"My tears." Martyn smiled. Thanks to the coping mechanism, Ren had managed to calm down slightly, and was now trying to catch his breath, while smiling too.

"So, why are you blushing? Was it something that I said?" Ren teased him lightly. Martyn didn't even realize that some of Ren's answers had made him blush slightly.

"Oh, um, it's nothing.." Martyn looked away, trying to hide his red face. Ren laughed quietly, before leaning forwards, and whispered into Martyn's ear.

"You know you love me. I love you too Come on now, say it back." Martyn blushed more at those words. He did really like Ren, but up until now, he didn't know that Ren had liked him back. Martyn looked back at Ren, and before he knew it, his lips were on Ren's. After a second of surprise, Ren kissed back. They stayed like that for a few moments before pulling apart. Martyn giggled and smiled, before planting another kiss to Ren's forehead. Ren responded with a kiss on Martyn's cheek. They continued to kiss each other for a few minutes until they both lay down on the couch, sleep starting to overtake them.

"I love you Ren.."

"I love you too Martyn.."

The pair fell asleep on the couch, snuggled against each other, both peaceful. Ren's tail was wrapped along their legs as a small blanket, and Martyn held Ren in his arms. They both fell asleep smiling.


The next morning, Martyn was the first awake. He looked up, and saw Ren still asleep. He smiled, kissing Ren on the cheek before waiting for him to wake up. When Ren had woken up, they both shared a few kisses before they both finally got up to start the they, hand in hand.

While that night ended, along with a friendship, they were happy that with a new day, something new sparked with them.

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