{He Remembers Pt 1 - SL/HC 💔}

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Scar fell to the ground, baking himself into a corner, his lilac and poppy cape close by.

He remembered.

He remembered everything.

His breathing was quick and uneven, hugging his knees to his chest as he tried to calm down before anyone saw him.

He was panicking, because he remembers.

All of the Life Games, he remembered.


Because he was a winner, and winners remember everything.

Everything came flooding his mind back at once, and Scar held his head in his hands, trying to block out the whispers that floated around.


"Come, join us."

"Your the Watcher's favourite now."

He tried to block them out, yet to no avail.

Yet he knew what was happening.

His brain was remembering everything.

From 3rd Life, until now.

He remembered every little things about all of the Life Games.

From his allies, to his deaths.

He remembered allying with Grian in 3rd Life after a prank went wrong resulting in Scar's first death.

They stayed together until the very end.

An end where they fought to the death, and Grian won, killing Scar.

He remembered being alone most of Last Life, his only friend was Joel, the other wizard.

No one wanted to be with a crazy wizard who sold and believed that 'magic crystals' were real.

He ended up dying, eventually, by the hands of Ren.

In Double Life, he was paired with Grian, he could remember that.

Yet Grian had cheated on him with Big B, and his heart was shattered.

Grian killed the two of them in their final life, the Warden being the cause of their death.

Yes, in Limited Life, he still remembers.

He remembered the Clockers, with Cleo and Bdubs.

As well as their father, Etho.

In the end, Grian was the one who killed Scar, again.

"It's the ultimate betrayal." He murmured, before killing Scar with his axe.

The latest Life Game, Secret Life, he could remember.

Of course he did. That was the game he won.

No one wanted to be with him yet again, and he was all alone.

He killed so many people in the final session, and didn't even know that Pearl had died.

Grian just had to tell him, and then he was the lonely winner of Secret Life.

Yet he couldn't get out.

It was only recently that Grian and Xisuma had gotten him out, and now he was back on Hermitcraft.

Scar tucked his face deeper into his knees, starting to let out quiet sobs of regret and guilt.

He cried to himself, trying to be as quiet as possible.

He didn't want anyone to hear him crying.

He was sobbing too much, and eventually, someone heard him.

The door opened, and Scar looked up and froze.

Grian was staring down at him, a look of concern and guilt written all over his face.


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