{Re-opened wounds. - DL 🥀}

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Note: I got this idea from a headcannon posted by Bl1nkyPand4/Bl1nkyPand@ on YouTube! Go check them out!
Set in session 3 of Double Life.


- Wounds re-opening

- Blood

- Gore?

- Slight Panic Attack

- Injury descreption

Usually, players of the Life Series would spawn into the world about a day or two before the actual session.

The players never knew why, but they all just assumed that they would go in early to prepare for the upcoming session.

Bdubs, however, knew better.

He knew one reason why the players were let into the world early.

Impulse spawned into his and Bdubs's house. He thought that Bdubs was already here, but when he checked his player screen, it said that Bdubs wasn't on yet. Forgetting what was going to happen, Impulse was going to head out and meet up with his friends, until he saw a flash behind him.



"You sure that you're going to be okay, Bdubs?" Xisuma stopped the glare hybrid just as he was about to go through the portal to Double Life. The admin knew what would happen whenever Bdubs entered any life game. He was concerned about the amount of times that Bdubs had gone through this at this point.

"X, I already told you, I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." Bdubs smiled at Xisuma, before entering the portal to head off to Double Life.

Of course he wouldn't be fine, he and Xisuma knew that. He was just trying to calm Xisuma's nerves.


Double Life

Once the flash had died down, Impulse turned and saw Bdubs, his soulmate, behind him. Nothing seemed to happen for a minute, and just as Bdubs was about to run up and give his soulmate a hug, it finally hit him.

Out of nowhere, a huge flash of pain shot through Bdubs, and he let out a strangled cry, dropping to his knees. Impulse immediately knew that it was happening - this had been happening since Last Life - and rushed forward to catch Bdubs in his arms. He shifted slightly, so that him and Bdubs were in a slightly better position. Looking over at his soulmate, he noticed that nothing was wrong for a second, before they started to show up.

Bdubs hid his face in Impulse's shirt as his old injuries from the past Life Series games started to re-open. Blood poured out of them, as well as strangled cries coming from Bdubs, cries muffled by Impulse's shirt. This continued on for a few minutes - wounds re-opening, scars opening back up and then closing, Bdubs's strangled cries, and Impulse being forced to watch his soulmate in extreme pain. He couldn't do anything, as if he tried to heal his injuries, they'd just open back up - and twice as painful. Impulse and Bdubs had went through that the hard way, when it had first happened in Last Life.

You see, whenever Bdubs entered a new life game or re-entered one, his wounds and injures from the past sessions and games would re-open, often leaving Bdubs a bloody mess. It was extremely slow and painful, causing Bdubs to be in pain for a long time. The same thing would happen on Hermitcraft when Bdubs went back onto the server, but whenever that happened, the injuries Bdubs gained in the session would heal within seconds.

After a while, the re-opening finally stopped. It had taken about 15 full minutes for the injuries to re-open, with Impulse trying desperately to calm Bdubs down a little bit, but that didn't work at all. The worse wounds had opened back up around the middle of the 15 minutes, with Bdubs going from crying out to screaming in pain. Luckily, now that it was all over, Impulse could re-heal Bdubs's injuries now.

Looking down at his soulmate, Impulse saw how much of a mess he was. Injures all over his body, with blood still flowing out from them. The worst were coming from his chest and stomach area, where through the ripped shirt, Impulse could see the angry red wounds, they were very deep. His hair was a mess, which was caused by Bdubs pulling his own hair. His face was streaked with tears and blood, and he was shaking badly. He might have been in a full on panic attack at this point, with his breathing quick and ragged, and he couldn't calm down. Impulse sighed, before he started to calm Bdubs down.

"Shhh, shhh, it's okay now 'Dubs. It's over now. Breathe in, breath out.." Impulse said quietly, just in case he scared his tanned soulmate. Bdubs seemed to start to calm down a bit, but Impulse saw that he was still crying slightly, due to the lingering pain that followed.

"Alright Bdubs, I'm going to carefully lean you against the wall behind me as I get some healing supplies, okay?" Impulse asked, with Bdubs nodding in response. Slowly and carefully, Impulse moved his position to carefully lean Bdubs against the wall. Bdubs didn't protest, as his body was getting tired from the pain. Once Bdubs was in a resting position, Impulse stood up and went over to the chests by their bed, grabbing bandages, rubbing alcohol, a wet towel, and some healing potions. With all the items that he needed obtained, Impulse went back to Bdubs's side, setting down the supplies, and looking Bdubs up and down.

"Okay 'Dubs. I'm going to have to remove your shirt to tend to your wounds. Is that okay?" Impulse asked quietly. Bdubs nodded slowly, allowing Impulse to carefully take his blood-soaked shirt off.

Once the fabric was gone, Impulse went to the worst injuries first. The first one was a stab wound to the chest, just below the heart, with other stab wounds surrounding it. Since the bleeding at stopped at this point, Impulse poured some of the rubbing alcohol onto the wet towel, and carefully started to pat down the injuries. Even if Impulse was being as gentle as possible, that didn't stop Bdubs from wincing in pain.

"I know that it hurts, 'Dubs. But give me a few minutes then it'll be all over." Impulse managed a small smile, to which Bdubs weakly smiled back to. Once the rubbing alcohol had been applied, Impulse grabbed the bandages and wrapped them over the wounds. With that area done, Impulse moved onto his arms next, then his legs. Finally, he moved onto his face, where he saw that Bdubs looked like he was about to pass out.

"This is the last injury, okay? You did so well, you're almost done!" Impulse told him. Once the cleaning and the bandaging were done, Impulse unscrewed the top of the healing potion, and gave it to Bdubs.

"Here, drink this. It will help heal your injuries faster." Impulse coaxed. Slowly, but surely, Bdubs finished the entire bottle, with Impulse smiling when he finished.

"That's it! You're done now, 'Dubs! You did so well!" Impulse smiled again. At this point, Bdubs could barely keep his eyes open, and since Impulse quickly noticed this, he scooped his soulmate into his arms and led him to their bed. Laying Bdubs down, Impulse went to put back the supplies, and wash and dry out Bdubs's shirt. Remembering that Bdubs still didn't have a shirt on, Impulse took off his sweater and put it on Bdubs, with Bdubs - who was already almost asleep - snuggling into the warmth. Impulse smiled, deciding to join him to rest.

The pair laid in the bed together, with Bdubs snuggling closer to Impulse, and in turn, Impulse resting his arm on Bdubs's chest. Impulse smiled at his soulmate, which replaced the pained one minutes earlier.

While this will continue to happen every time Bdubs went back into a life game, he knew that Impulse would always be there to help him through it, and he lived him for that.

"I love you, Impulse.."

"I love you too, Bdubs.."

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