{If He Was Here Now - 3L ⚠️}

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If he was here now,
I would've never set out to avenge him.


Two boys chased each other. Running in a field of flowers, the cyan haired male chased his husband, the blond avian. Neither of them were sure why they were running and chasing each other, but hey, it was fun to do.

Catching up to the blond, Scott tackled Jimmy to the ground, the blond yelping in surprise. They landed on the flowers, Scott on top of Jimmy, before he rolled over. He laughed at Jimmy's expression, one that no one could name. Soon after, Jimmy started laughing, and Scott quickly joined in. They rolled to their side, hugging themselves, laughter filling the flower field. Scott, starting to calm down, grabbed Jimmy and pulled him into his embrace. Jimmy squeaked slightly in surprise, before surrendering himself to Scott.

"Love you Jimmy." Scott casually said, kissing Jimmy on the forehead Jimmy went red, before he replied.

"Love you too, Scott." Jimmy replied.

Soon, the flower field filled with laughter again, as the same routine happened, again, and again.


If he was here now,
How different would I be?


Scott couldn't sleep.

It was like something had got him off guard while he was sleeping, and now, he couldn't fall back asleep. He was alone, in a dark room, the light from the moon dimly lighting the floor by the window. Scott suddenly heard light breathing next to him, and he realized that he wasn't alone.

Jimmy's sleeping body was next to him, and his arms were hugging Scott's waist. Scott smiled at his husband's peaceful expression, laying back down so Jimmy's arms didn't have to stretch to hug him.

Almost as quickly as Scott laid down, Jimmy pulled him closer, his breathing now felt on the back of Scott's neck. He turned around, now face-to-face with Jimmy, a light smile still on his face. Scott felt himself slowly drift off to sleep again, and he kissed Jimmy's forehead.

"I love you.." He whispered, before falling back asleep.

At least he knew that Jimmy loved him back.


If he was here now,
Would someone have warned me about the King right behind me?

No, since he isn't here anymore,
And I am now all alone.

I died alone,
Waiting to go into the afterlife.

Just so I could see Jimmy again.

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