{Only One Winner Pt 2 - HC 🥀}

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It was over.

The server was shut down, and most people had respawned back onto Hermitcraft.

There were a lot of tears, apologies, and hugging.

Everyone had forgiven each other.

Except for Grian.

He couldn't bring himself to see Scar again. He didn't know if Scar hated him now.

Grian stayed in his house for days until someone finally made him go and see Scar again.


"Grian, come on man. It's almost been a whole week and you still haven't seen Scar!" Grian groaned, sitting up in his bed.

"Oh come on Keralis! What if he hates me now?" Grian stared at the man in the doorway of his bedroom. Keralis sighed, waiting for an actual answer.

"Grian. How about I tell you something. It's about Scar, actually." Keralis started. That had Grian's full attention. "What is it?" He asked. Keralis smiled quickly, finally getting a response out of Grian.

"Well, I went to go check up on him a few days ago and see how his wounds were healing. For nearly the entire time, he pretty much just talked about you. He was concerned, and he thought that you hated him 'cause he hasn't seen you since the finale of 3rd Life." Keralis explained. Grian was shocked. Scar was concerned about him? He thought that Scar hated him, and the truth was that he really didn't. It was in face the complete opposite. Grian took a deep breath, before starting.

"Okay fine. I'll go. First, how are his injuries? Tell me, then I'll go, okay?" Grian asked. Keralis smiled. Finally, after 5 days of trying, he got Grian to see Scar again.

"Alright, alright. He's healing well, but he still has a pretty big injury around his chest area, but it's healing." Grian nodded. After thanking Keralis, he ran out of his house and took to the sky. Keralis watched him leave, until he left himself to go find Xisuma.


After a couple minutes of flying, Grian landed at Scar's base. He already felt tears well up in his eyes, but he wiped them away. He couldn't cry. Not now. Taking  a deep breath, Grian walked up to the front door and pulled out a key. Scar had given him a key to enter whenever he liked. Turning the lock, Grian opened the door and went inside.

Inside, Grian quietly closed the door, trying to make no noise for now. Walking into the kitchen, he saw Scar taking some painkillers, and he immediately froze, the tears starting to come back again and a lump in his throat. Scar must have felt that someone was watching him and he turned around, freezing when he saw Grian. Grian was about to cry, right then and there, until he saw Scar smile, opening his arms, and Grian ran into them. He was careful as he pulled Scar close, not wanting his injury to get hurt more. Grian released the tears that he had been holding in for so long, his walls had finally fallen once he saw Scar. Grian sobbed as Scar smiled sadly, running his hands through the blonde's hair. Grian's hands were around Scar's waist, as he continued to sob.

"It's okay Grian, I'm right here, I promise. You're okay." Scar murmured, still running his hands through Grian's hair.

"S-Scar, I-I'm so-so-so so-sorry! I-I'm s-sorry for-for everything!" Grian cried, his breathing ragged and unsteady. Scar seemed to notice, and he put his hand underneath Grian's chin, making him look up into Scar's eyes. Grian was about half a head shorter than Scar, so Scar looked down at him to help.

"I forgave your apologies the moment I died, Grian. I was so worried, I thought that you hated me. I don't blame you for killing me Grian." Scar said softly. He looked so concerned for Grian that it made the blonde's heart melt. Scar tucked back some hair that made its way onto Grian's face, before Grian buried his head into Scar's chest lightly again. Scar smiled softly, often whispering comforting words into Grian's ear. The two stayed like that for a few minutes before Grian finally emerged from Scar's chest at last. Now, Grian had calmed down quite a bit and was now trying to control his breathing. Scar smiled, adoring the shorter boy who he was still holding. Grian looked up at Scar and smiled, reaching up to his face and kissed Scar on the cheek.

Scar went read within seconds. He turned his head away, trying to cover his face, which was a blushing mess. Grian had just kissed him, and the last time that happened was back in 3rd Life. Grian would always give Scar a quick kiss at the most unexpected of times, loving how flustered Scar would get. While they were kind of together, they never really kissed that much, mainly just holding hands and hugs. Grian laughed lightly, making Scar face him again. Grian brushed some hair out of Scar's face, and before he knew it, Scar has his lips on his. Grian almost let out a chirp in surprise, but after the initial shock had passed, Grian kissed Scar back. They stayed like that for a while, until the need for oxygen had came and they pulled apart, both taking in a much-needed breath. Scar smiled, resting his forehead on Grian's and closed his eyes.

Grian looked up at the boy holding him, and planted another kiss to his cheek. While Scar smiled, Grian had a few moments of silence to think to himself. How was he this lucky to get himself a partner that loved him with all of his heart? Scar loved him dearly, and Grian loved him back. After yet another few moments of silence, Scar looked up and bent down. Grian was confused for a moment before suddenly, Scar was kissing Grian all over his face. The blonde immediately went red, as Scar continued to kiss him. Once Scar pulled away, Grian grabbed him by the waist, forcing Scar to lean over, and Grian started to kiss him all over his face now. Scar laughed, letting Grian kiss him until he stopped. The waited a few seconds before he kissed Scar on the lips. Scar instantly kissed back, his hands finding their way into Grian's hair, and Grian's hands snaking around Scar's waist. 

Eventually, when they pulled apart, Grian noticed that Scar was starting to fall asleep. Grian chuckled.

"Come on. Let's get you to bed big guy." Grian laughed. Scar barely had the energy to respond, and Grian took him upstairs, laying him onto his bed. Grian was going to leave him there, but then Scar pulled Grian by his waist, making Grian fall onto his bed with him. Grian blushed and laughed quietly, turning around to face Scar. They laid there on the bed, Grian's legs tangled with Scar's, and Scar's head buried in the crook of Grian's neck. Sighing, Grian felt himself drift off to sleep.

"I love you Scar."

"I love you too Grian."

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