{I Can't Do This Any Longer - SL 💔}

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Basically an alternate ending to Scar winning Secret Life. No Watchers involved.

- Suicide

He couldn't do this anymore.

He was so tired.

His cape, once colourful with poppies and lilacs, was now torn to shreds, the wilted flowers all over the ground.

His eyes, once lively and kind, were dull, red from crying.

The world, once filled with people, was now deserted, he was the only one left here.

Everyone else was dead.

He was all alone.

He can't get out.

His sword had his friends dried blood on it, from the final session, where the remaining players fought against each other, and he became the last one standing.

Their deaths were engraved into his mind.

He remembered what his friends said when they killed one another.

The voices were so loud.

 He couldn't escape the thoughts.

"Goodbye Tango!"

Tango's death, caused by Scar.

"Do you know what, Scar might send his regards!"

Skizz's death, caused by Joel.

"I'm dying in my home, goodbye everyone."

Etho's last words.

"He sounds like a wild animal that's been wounded..!"

"Let's put him out of his misery."

Etho's death, caused by Scar.

They were clouding his thoughts, making him unable to breathe, to think properly.

The voices were all he could see and hear.

He remembered what he said when he found out that Pearl was dead.

"How did- How did the gut with no friends win!"

As he was crowned the winner, Scar had fallen to his knees and started to cry from grief setting in and disbelief.

He ended up crying yet again from the memories, tears running down his cheeks, his eyes red and puffy already.

He doesn't want to be here anymore.

He wants to go home.

He's exhausted from everything, he can't take this suffering anymore.

He wants to see his friends again, not just their voices.

"I can't do this any longer."

He called out, standing up, taking his sword.

Casting one final look at this empty world, Scar took a deep breath and closed his eyes, raising his sword.

Plunging it into his chest, right below his heart, Scar's hands shook with pain as he tried to pull the blade out.

He fell to the ground, his breathing shallow, dying, his bloodied sword next to him.

Even opening his eyes and lifting his head seemed like a huge effort, as he took his final breaths.

When his heart stopped beating, Scar's head fell back against the grass, his body in a pool of his blood.

And, as his body disintegrated and the world started collapsing without its final player, one final message popped up in the chat.

<GoodtimewithScar was slain by GoodtimewithScar.>

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