{Finally, Someone Else (For Now) - SL 💔}

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Scar sat, he was still falling deeper into the void.

Minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, he continued to fall.

He hadn't seen anyone for god who knows how long at this point, and he was starting to lose hope.

No one was in the void with him, he was all alone.

Until he heard a voice.

"Scar? Is that you?"

Scar could immediately recognize the voice; she was in the Life Games with him for two seasons.


The pink-haired female emerged from the shadows of the void. Unlike Scar, she had no injuries, and her eyes widened when she saw the state Scar was in.

"Scar, is your body okay?" She asked worriedly, his eyes full of concern.

"Yeah- I'm fine. Just glad to see someone else." Scar smiled for the first time in what felt like forever. Floating over, Lizzie sat next to Scar and rested a hand on his shoulder.

"We'll get out, okay?" She assured the brunette.

"Yeah, but it's been who knows how long Lizzie. What if we never get out?" Scar asked, fear starting to lace in his voice once again.

"Scar, I'm sure of it. We'll get out. The others know that we're here." Lizzie assured him once again. While Scar didn't exactly trust Lizzie, he nodded his head.

What if she was a haullucination?

What if she wasn't real?

What if Scar was dreaming, and he was actually the only one in the void?


His name brought him out of his thoughts. Turning around, he saw Lizzie, still there. Carefully, Scar rested his hand on Lizzie's shoulder, sighing slightly with relief as she didn't disappear. 'So this isn't a hallucination.' He thought to himself.

The two, still stuck in the void, sat in silence for a while, before they were separated.

By a glowing purple light.

Lizzie was quickly engulfed into the light, and both her and Scar started to panic.

'W-What's happening!?" Lizzie cried out, her voice shaky.

"I don't know. Just, don't leave me here!" Scar cried. Suddenly, a bright flash of light caused Scar to cover his eyes, and when he looked back...

Lizzie was gone.

He was all alone once again.

Scar curled himself into a ball once again, crying.

Lizzie had gotten out, and he was left here.

Forever? He doesn't know.

Lizzie's P.O.V.

Once the bright flash had died down, my mind focused on two things.

Someone was hugging me tightly.

And Scar wasn't with me.

Quickly, my brain registered the hugging person to be Joel, my husband. He was shaking, and had pulled me close. I hugged him back, rubbing circles on his back, before looking up.

Behind him, I saw Grian. Grian looked relieved, that probably might be because I was out.

Wait, I knew something.

Grian was the one to get me out.

I was so tired, but I was determined to tell Grian one last thing.

"Scar's still there. He's still there."

The room went dead silent as I fell asleep.

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