{Don't Give In - 💔/🥀}

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Martyn held his head in his hands, shaking.

The voices were getting louder and louder, and he couldn't make them stop.

He could hear the Watchers getting closer and closer, and he tried to escape, before he remembered that his legs had strings all around them.

He couldn't give in, he had to stay himself, he had to stay in control.

Yet it was getting harder to keep control of himself.

The voices only got louder and louder, and it was nearly impossible for Martyn to make then stop.

The Watchers were right behind him now, laughing at his misery.

He just couldn't do it anymore.

He didn't want to face his thoughts alone.

Yet he wanted to keep himself going.

He didn't want to lose his control, and have Watchers take over him.

He had people who would help him every step, but they didn't know how bad the voices had gotten.

He didn't want to keep the truth from them, but by the way things were going, he couldn't fight against the voices anymore.

He didn't want to give in.

He had to keep his control, he couldn't give his body to the Watchers.

If he did, what would they do to him?

Make him do the worst things to everyone, and make him lose everyone he cared for?

He never wanted that to happen.

Yet it was getting harder and harder, and maybe more impossible for him to not lose his control.

He was about to pass out right then and there, yet along with the voices, he heard his friends.

He could remember all the times that he had almost lost control, yet they were there.

While they were not there now, they were still in his head.

"Don't give in, Martyn."

"You can do this."

Hearing their voices gave Martyn hoped, and he started to struggle against the strings that held his legs in place.

Finally, after what felt like hours of struggling, he broke free from them, and was able to shoot a blast of magic at the Watchers, before he teleported away.

When he opened his eyes again, he was back.

All his friends were standing over him, concerned expressions on each of their faces.

Ren was the first person to wrap Martyn in a hug, and the others followed quickly.

Martyn held onto them tightly, in case he might lose them again.

"I didn't give in. Thank you guys.."

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