{Death - 3L💔}

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(Quick Note: The death order goes from the last death to  the first death.)

- Mentions of blood
- Death descriptions

Death is everywhere.

They get everyone at some point.

Death had claimed over a dozen lives on this little server, and here they are now.

Their bodies, frozen in time.

The boy in the red sweater.
His bones are crushed, and blood is everywhere.
He fell to his death, killing himself.

The shirtless boy.
He's bloody everywhere, must have been from a battle to the death with the red sweater boy.
He was beaten to death, surrounded by cactus'.

The boy with the bandana.
He has slashes everywhere, no doubt from a sword of some kind.
He was slain, thanks to the shirtless boy.

The boy with the cookie.
He has arrow wounds penetrating his body, no doubt an attack. Maybe a betrayal.
He was shot, his killer being the boy with the bandana.

The boy with the yellow "I" on his shirt.
Like the boy before him, he also had arrow wounds, again, and again, a betrayal.
He was shot too, his killer being shared with the boy with the cookie.

The blonde boy, his skin grey.
Like the other two boys, his body shows signs of arrow wounds, and he seemed to be in fear.
He was shot, thanks to the shirtless boy.

The King is next, his crown bloody.
Close by to the blonde boy, both have shared the same fate. Arrows penetrating their bodies.
He was shot, the shirtless boy being his attacker.

A netherborn is up next, his flame dead.
Sword wounds litter his body, and the blood loss was what killed him.
He was slain, the boy in the red sweater ending his life.

A cosplayer is next, his mask falling off his face.
Once again, arrow wounds litter his body, blood still dripping from them.
Like others, he was shot, the boy with the yellow "I" being his attacker.

A cyan-haired boy is gone, laying on the ground.
A blade had entered his body while he was running, and look where we are now.
He was murdered, the King killing him.

A boy surrounded by his grieving wolves is next.
His body shows signs of sword wounds, and he died shortly after.
He was slain, the King ending him.

A grey-skinned, red-eyed boy is not far.
Getting stabbed multiple times, he met his fate.
He was killed, the boy in the red sweater making him leave this cruel world.

A zombie is laying not far from the red-eyed boy.
Her already decaying body, shows signs of stab wounds and flesh missing.
They were murdered, the red-eyed boy being the attacker.

Finally, the last person is coming up.

A grey blonde-haired boy is laying in an obsidian hiding area.
Penetrating his body are arrow wounds, the fatal shot being to the head.
He was shot, the first one out, thanks to the King's hand.

Death steps back, transporting the dead to the afterlife, and their job is down.

They leave, the server crumbling from the war.

And just like that, the server disappears.

Written on April 8

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