{Morning Cuddles - DL 🌠}

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Okay fine here's some fluff

Joel woke up, the morning beams of light shining into his bedroom. He squinted, trying to get rid of the sleep in his eyes, and tried to adjust to the morning light. He turned around, only to remember that he was in the arms of a certain someone.

Etho had wrapped his arms around Joel, his unmasked face hidden in Joel's chest. His white, fluffy hair was tickling Joel's chin, and Joel giggled quietly at the feeling. Carefully, as if to not wake the peaceful Etho from his sleep, Joel untangled one of his hands and placed it on top of Etho's hair. He ruffled Etho's hair, making it messier than it already was. In the sunlight, with his soulmate sleeping next to him, Joel knew that Etho was truly a magical sight, with the light reflecting off his hair. Joel smiled, closing his eyes again, until he heard shuffling next to him.

Opening his eyes, he saw that Etho was waking up, his eyes still slightly heavy as he adjusted to the light streaming through the window. His eyes met Joel's and he smiled, a real genuine one, as he pulled Joel closer.

"Mornin'" Etho mumbled, his voice deeper than usual since had just woken up. Joel giggled slightly at his morning voice, causing Etho to lightly punch him in the arm. Joel was about to yell at Etho, but was cut off when Etho pressed his lips to Joel's. Their kiss was short yet sweet, and they both broke apart with stupid smiles on both of their faces.

"Gosh Etho, you're such a flirt." Joel mumbled, his accent pronouncing 'Etho' like 'Eefo'. Etho smiled and shook his head, getting hair out of his eyes.

"Who knows, maybe I am." Etho winked, and Joel went bright red. He punched Etho in the arm, before burying his face into his chest. Etho started to laugh, and his laugh brought Joel out of his hiding spot. Etho's laugh was like a melody; sweet and clear as a bell. Joel smiled sweetly at his soulmate, leaning forwards to quickly kiss Etho on the cheek, before hiding his face in Etho's chest.

"I love you, Etho." Joel mumbled, Etho running his hands through Joel's hair.

"Love you too Joel." Etho whispered back into Joel's hair.

The two soulmates ended up having a morning cuddle session, both of them not leaving their bed until they had to. At least they had each other, and that was the only thing they needed.

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