{Poppies. - 3L ⚠️}

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Flower Husbandsssss


- Death
- Blood

It was the start of a brand new game.

"3rd Life" As Grian called it.

The members all knew each other fairly well, whether it was from being on Hermitcraft together or knowing each other  from other servers.

Once Grian had let them go, everyone ran off, trying to gather resources and form alliances quickly.

The rules of the life game were simple; You only get 3 lives, and when you turn red, you become hostile. There can also only be one winner of the game.

While others were gathering resources and trying to form any kind of alliance, two men were caving in the mines together, trying to find resources to share. Scott and Jimmy were in some sort of alliance already, but it wasn't official at the moment, and neither of them knew how to make it official.

"Here." Jimmy placed a flower down by Scott's feet, turning away as a light blush spread to his face. Scott picked the flower up, examining it in his hands; It was a poppy.

"Are you confessing to me, Jimmy?" Scott asked, raising an eyebrow. Jimmy became more flustered, hiding his face from view.

"Yes - I mean no! I'm just.... confessing my love for poppies." Jimmy muttered, loud enough for Scott to hear.

"Then why did you give this poppy to me if you're trying to confess your love to poppies?" Scott watched as Jimmy became more flustered, smiling and waiting for an answer. The seconds went by slowly, and Jimmy couldn't take it anymore.

"Fine, I gave you a poppy because I love you and I wanted to confess my love using a poppy.." Jimmy mumbled. Scott's eyes widened, a light blush forming on his cheeks as well. Walking up to Jimmy, he turned his head to face Scott and before Jimmy knew it, Scott's lips were on his. Jimmy yelped in surprise before slowly kissing back, Scott's hands wrapping around Jimmy's neck, and Jimmy's hands wrapping around Scott's waist. They could've stayed like that forever, until they were forced to breathe again, so they eventually pulled apart, breathing heavily, smiled on both of their faces. Hand in hand, Scott put the poppy behind his ear and they started to head back with their collected resources and a new relationship between them.

"I'll always love you, Jimmy."

"I'll love you too, Scott. Forever and always."


Scott sat in front of a grave, tears streaming down his cheeks. It had been a few days since the explosion in the desert, and when Scott had lost one of his lives, Jimmy lost his final life. Now, his husband was gone, and he had promised to stay by his side forever. In front of Jimmy's grave sat a bright red poppy, Jimmy's favourite flower. The poppy that Jimmy had gifted Scott in the caves, which now felt like a lifetime ago, was stored in a special place in his house. Scott sobbed quietly into his hands, still not getting over Jimmy's death. He stayed like that for what felt like hours, until he forced himself to leave. Another battle was brewing along the horizon, and he couldn't be crying over Jimmy's death forever; He had to avenge him. He stood up, looking at the grave one last time before leaving the area.

"I will avenge you, Jimmy. I love you."

"I know you will.."


Scott smiled to himself as he ran through the forest. He had finally avenged Jimmy, and was now trying to run back without dying.

Unfortunately, fate was not on Scott's side this night.

As he was running, already low on hearts, he didn't hear Ren running up behind him.

He only felt the stab of pain as the sword entered his body.

Scott cried out, falling to his knees as Ren pulled the blade out of his body, blood splattering everywhere. Scott's vision started to get hazy, but then he realized one thing.

Since he was going to die, then he could see Jimmy again.

Scott smiled to himself as he felt the life fade away from him. When the time came, Scott whispered his last word to himself before dying.

"I love you, Jimmy.."

<Smajor1995 was slain by Renthedog using "The Skizz Blade>

"I love you too, Scott.."

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