{Victory, But With A Cost - SL/HC 🥀 REMAKE}

140 5 9

- Death
- Blood
- Injury description

Finally, after everything, it was the final battle.

Everyone else was dead, except for Scar and Pearl.

The two clashed, jumping back as they tried to attack the other.

In the spectator's room, everyone was cheering, watching, trying to see who would win.

The battle continued, with Scar getting Pearl really low on hearts, and she tried to district Scar.

"Behind you!" She cried out, and Scar whipped his head around, only to see nothing. He flinched as an arrow landed in his shoulder, and he snapped his head back, pulling out his own bow. He started to fire arrow after arrow, until one of the arrows made a direct hit on Pearl.

She fell, landing on a block in a mini cave.

Lightning struck, and that was Pearl's end.

However, Scar didn't know that he had won. He didn't know that Pearl had died. Still keeping an arrow strung in his bow, Scar jumped down into the mini cave, calling out Pearl's name.

"Pearl! Where are you?" He called out, yet no answer. He continued to search the cave, until two buzzes came from his communicator. Scar thought that it wouldn't be no harm to check, so he opened his communicator up, only to see two messages from Grian.

<Grian> She's dead Scar.
<Grian> You won.

Scar froze in mild shock. He had won Secret Life. Oblivious to the zombie hitting him, he began to laugh.

"I won. How did the guy with no friends win? H-How did the guy with no friends win?" He asked. When he finally realized that a zombie was hitting him, he quickly killed it, and became his climb up to the surface. His task was complete, and now, he just needed to press the 'succeed' button at the Secret Keeper.

Walking along the fields of grass, Scar let out a breath that he didn't realize that he had been holding in, trying to take in the fact that he was now a winner. He walked along the empty server, the ghosts all gone. He was the only one left, or so he thought.

As the grey stone came closer and closer, Scar walked up to the 'succeed' button. His hand hovered over it for a moment, before he pressed it. At first, nothing happened, but the wind started to blow faster, and he was awarded with 5 hearts. Nothing happened for another minute, until Scar got another task. Curiously, he opened the book, only to be greeted by the same exact task.

Win Secret Life.

"But didn't I just do that?" Scar asked himself. Thinking that it was all a glitch, Scar pressed the 'succeed' button yet again, and he got the same exact task.

"This can't be right." He said to no one, pressing the button again and again. Still, no matter how much he pressed, the same task would appear again and again.

Win Secret Life.

Win Secret Life.

Win Secret Life.

Win Secret Life.

"Come ON!" He cried, slamming down against the button, yet still, the same thing, over and over again.


Hit and repeat.

Hit and repeat.

Scar didn't know how much time had passed, yet he was still pressing the button. His hands were bloody and red due to pressing the button over and over again, and tears were streaming down his face.

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