{You Can't Hide - Songfic 💔}

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Lyrics are from You Can't Hide by CK9C (from FNAF)

You can run, you can try

Dark. That was the only thing he could see.
Just darkness, nothing else.
But wait, what was that purple glow in the distance?
And why is it coming closer and closer to him, slowly though?

You can run, but you can't hide

His breath stopped when he realized what the glow was.
It was a Watcher.
And that Watcher was coming for him. Quickly.
His surroundings appeared quickly, the darkness starting to disappear. He saw some pillars and rocks, hiding places close by, so he ran to there quickly, hiding behind a pillar.

They're laughing while finding 

He heard their laughs, the creepy, slow laughs that echoed through the space.
Why was he here?
The Watchers were looked for him, footsteps echoing close by.
He covered his mouth and folding his wings in, trying not to make any noise.

I'm hiding, I'm trying

He was trying his best to hide, he was.
He didn't want to get caught by them.
He knew what would happen if the Watchers found him.

I feel like she's lying

They're calling him, the want to find him.
They're saying "Don't worry, you can come out, we won't hurt you!"
Yet they're lying. He knows that they're lying.
If he were to actually come out from hiding, he'll be dead, totally.

I feel like I'm dying

He felt like he was going to die.
Even if the Watchers didn't find him, he was thinking that he was going to die.

She's guiding me quietly

He saw a light.
A small, faint, but it was there.
He wasn't making things up.
Was the light guiding him, away from the Watchers?

Instructing me blindly

Whispers of "Come this way" filled his head, was this all real?
Or was his mind playing tricks on him?
Either way, the Watchers were getting closer and closer, he didn't have much time left.

Afraid of what might be

Slowly, he reached out, and his hand was engulfed in the light, and soon, he was being pulled away from his hiding spot.
Was the light really getting him away?
He thinks- no, he knows that the Watchers can see him now.
Was this light leading him to his death?

I feel like I'm dying

Suddenly, all the light disappeared, leaving him all alone.
Until he felt slow, shallow breathing next to him, and he slowly turned around.
The Watchers were right behind him.
"We found you.. Xelqua.."


Written on June 27

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