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SDERTYUJnfbdvsacdfsrtyfhbdsvgcxh <---- Keysmash
aswertyujmNBVCFTYUJmnbvdsfatdyfugjfnhreigadfsujZ VHGhbdz <--- Keysmash #2

Writers block has (sort of) gotten me. I'm so tired that I can't write. Send help. (Just kidding I'll be fine lmao-)

I don't know if I can upload this week, cause I leave for summer vacation this upcoming Friday (the 28th) and come back on July 10th. Another reason why I can't really upload is because I need to write and schedule a LOT of chapters for you all, and I'm graduating this week!

Maybe one or two uploads this week (hopefully), and then scheduled uploads almost every day while I'm away, that's what I can promise.

I can check my phone to see this book, but I'm not logged in on there, so I can only check and reply to notifications when I'm back, sorry! (I can't bring my computer on vacation with me so yeah-)

Once I get back from vacay, then I'll go back to regular uploads.

See you soon everyone!

- lumi/cxxyz

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