{Re-opened wounds Pt 2 - DL 🥀}

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First off, thank you so much for over 400 reads! Now, onto the story!


- Blood

- Death

- Slight gore

- Panic Attack

"Impulse. You're back again."

No no no, why was he here? He isn't supposed to be here! This shouldn't be happening! Why is this happening again!?

Come on, Impulse, wake up.

He tried to pinch himself, slap his face, anything to try and wake him up again. But he couldn't wake up. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't.

This was his nightmare. A nightmare that had been happening recently.


It was always the same thing.

Impulse would wake up in a dark room, but he could still see. Nothing would happen for a moment to let him get used to his surroundings, then the nightmare would start.


Bdubs would appear and disappear randomly. Often screaming or crying, and his wounds would open up again and again, over and over again, until Impulse could finally wake up. The worst thing was that unlike in reality, Impulse couldn't help Bdubs at all, and was forced to watch him in extreme pain. He couldn't move, he was rooted to one spot, as his soulmate teleported around him. The room was a bloody mess, with the blood from Bdubs's wounds flowing around the ground. After a few minutes of this, Bdubs would appear right in front of Impulse, his wounds still opening, screaming and crying in pain. Since in the dream, Impulse couldn't help him, Bdubs would slowly die in front of him, making Impulse watch as his body gave out on him and he fell to the ground, dead. This often led Impulse into a screaming, crying mess himself. It was like we was being tortured himself, having to watch his soulmate die over and over again, even if he knew that it wasn't real.


Finally, after what felt like forever, Impulse started to wake up. He knew that he was waking up as his vision started to lighten, and the body of his soulmate had started to crumble away after what felt like having to watch him die millions of times. Impulse was still a crying mess, and it was getting hard to breathe, but at least he was waking up.



Impulse shot up, breathing heavily. It was thanks to his recurring nightmare of being tortured with Bdubs in pain for hours on end. As he tried to control himself again, he felt someone shaking his arm.

"Impulse! Are you okay!? You were shaking and crying and tossing and turning and-" Bdubs was cut off when Impulse immediately pulled him into a giant hug, tears still streaming down his face, his breathing ragged. He hid his face in his sweater, which Bdubs was still wearing.

"Oh gosh 'Dubs. Thank god you're okay!" Impulse cried, hold on to Bdubs as if his life depended on it.

"Impulse, what's wrong? What happened?" Bdubs asked softly, running his hands through Impulse's hair.

"Well, I just had a nightmare and it was about having to watch your wounds re-open without anyone to help you and I couldn't help cause I was stuck and then I saw you die multiple times!" The words all flowed out at once, and Bdubs couldn't believe what he had just heard. Impulse had nightmares about him getting tortured with his wounds re-opening and dying right in front of him? Taking a deep breath, Bdubs quickly thought about how to calm Impulse down, before an idea popped into his head. Pulling away from Impulse, he looked his soulmate in the eye, before speaking.

"Impulse, I need you to do what I say, got it?" Impulse nodded, tears still streaming down his face.

"Alright, can you give me 5 things that you can see?" Impulse hesitated for a moment, before answering.

"You, my arms, the walls, the chest, and the light outside."

"Alright, can you give me 4 things you can touch?"

"The bed, your hair, my sweater, and your arms."

"Good. Now 3 things you can hear?"

"The wind outside, your voice, and my voice."

"Okay, 2 things you can smell?"

"The air and the lingering smell of the healing potion.

"Finally, 1 thing you can taste?"

"Erm.. My tears."

Bdubs smiled. The technique that he had been taught by Martyn had worked on Impulse. Impulse seemed calmer now, and his breathing was back to normal. He wiped away the remainder of his tears, and instantly pulled Bdubs back into another hug.

"Thank you.." Impulse quietly murmured, Bdubs smiled, hugging back,

"No problem. You can come and talk to me whenever that happens again." Impulse smiled, kissing Bdubs on the cheek, to which Bdubs kissed him back on his forehead. Looking at Bdubs, Impulse remembered what had happened a few hours before all this.

"Also, how are your wounds? Have they healed yet?" Impulse asked.

"I think so. The pain is gone, and I feel them closing back up, which was not painful at all, which is good." Bdubs responded. Impulse smiled again, then went to tackle Bdubs into yet another hug, Bdubs falling back onto the bed while Impulse kissed him all over his face. Which Bdubs laughed to, kissing Impulse back.

"I love you Impulse."

"I love you to Bdubs."

The pair stayed like that for a few minutes until Impulse decided to check on Bdubs's injures. Sure enough, they were almost perfectly healed, with just a few more wounds closing back up.

At least the pain was over, and they didn't have to worry about that until the next session, where Impulse would know when it was happening and help Bdubs, with Bdubs loving him for that. They loved each other so much, they just showed it by taking care of each other, which was always shown.

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