Comforting Cold ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer ptergwen on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → sickness

Summary → You take care of a sick Peter Parker.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

A frown curls on either side of your lips as you ring out a cool washcloth for Peter. You make your way out of his bathroom with it in hand, heading back to the bedroom.

He's trapped under an obscene amount of blankets that Aunt May swaddled him in earlier. She had a shift at the shelter, so it's your turn to look after Peter now.

It's honestly nice to have the roles reversed. Peter takes care of everyone else, but it's him who's being taken care of for a change. He's not stubborn about it, like you'd expected. He's finally letting you help instead of being too proud to accept it.

That's how you know he's really not feeling right.

"What did we learn, bug boy?" You prompt Peter, pressing the cloth to his forehead.

His eyes gaze innocently into yours, although he's anything but.

"My spider immunities can only do so much. 'M still part human," he mumbles back. You gesture for him to go on. "Meaning?"

Peter breathes a huff through his clogged nose.

"I should've worn a jacket... when you said."

You brush some curls that are damp from sweat off Peter's forehead, seating yourself at the edge of his bed. Peter grabs the washcloth from you so both your hands are free to toy with his locks.

"Are you mad at me?" Peter questions as you smooth your fingers up to his scalp. They run through his hair at the roots, his eyes fluttering closed. "Little bit," you teasingly affirm.

Peter turns onto his side, only his face peeking out of the blankets with his cheek now smushed against the pillows.

"Hmph... don't be."

His words come out jumbled as he relaxes into the pillow and into your touch.

"If only it were that easy," you laugh quietly.

You scratch your nails against Peter's scalp the way he loves, a soft smile overtaking his features. He glances up at you through half-lidded eyes.

"You're not actually mad at me, are you?" Peter checks. "'Cuz you can't be. Not when I'm..." he pauses to sniffle. "...sick."

"No, Pete. I'm not," you sigh and cup one of his cheeks. "I just wish you'd take better care of yourself."

Your thumb strokes Peter's warm skin, his hand that isn't clutching the washcloth settling atop yours. He waits for you to continue and listens intently because he can tell you're not finished.

"I obviously don't mind doing it for you, but I won't always be able to," you remind him. There's a beat. "All I'm trying to say is, I wanna know you're okay without me... I want you to be okay."

"I am, baby. I'm fine," Peter assures you, threading his fingers firmly through yours. "'S only a cold, right? It'll pass soon."

He places a light kiss on your palm, and you grin despite airing your worries about his well-being mere moments ago.

"That's one thing your spider immunities are good for," you agree, Peter chuckling in response.

Forgetting how dry his throat is, the short spout of laughter turns to coughing. You stand from the bed with a click of your tongue.

"Here, here. Sit up," you coo.

Before easing Peter out of his current position, you remove the washcloth from his forehead and prop his pillows against the wall. Peter leans back against them and groans. The mountain of blankets is still engulfing him, a pout stretched across his lips.

"Sorry," he rasps, cheeks tinted pink. You card your fingers into his mop of curls once again. "You don't have to apologize, Peter. It's what I'm here for."

Peter nods after a moment. He attempts to clear his throat, though it's too scratchy to make much of a difference.

"I'm gonna go get you some water. Tea, too," you decide, gently pecking Peter's forehead.

He gasps when your hands leave his hair.

"No, stay with me. Want you to hold me... please," he requests. "You really need the tea," you counter.

Peter shakes his head back and forth, reaching out for you.

"I only need you."

It's impossible not to give in to that.

"Is there even room with your mountain of blankets?" You joke and walk to the other side of Peter's bed.

Eagerly, he begins to wiggle himself loose enough to make space so you can get under. He beams once he's done, stretching open the many layers to welcome you.

"There's always room for you, babe."

You giggle at Peter's antics and slip into the spot next to him. He's quick to wrap his limbs around you, clinging to your body like a koala. Your hands weave back into his hair. Letting out a breath of relief, Peter relishes in the feeling.

"Maybe the cold isn't too bad after all," he hums, squishing his face into your chest. You yank at his curls playfully.

"What was that, Parker?"

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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