I Know Who You Are ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer lousimusician on Tumblr


Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → none

Summary → The reader figures out who Peter really is.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

Peter sighed through his nose as he opened his locker taking out his books. Unfortunately Ned would be absent that day since he was home with a cold. Meaning Peter had to brave the school day by himself. He shoved his Chemistry book into his backpack and all of a sudden his locker was slammed shut.

Peter looked up wide eyed and was met with (E/C) eyes that had a glint of mischief in them. He furrowed his brow.

(Y/N) (L/N).

He knew her of course. But only as the quiet girl in the back of each class with no friends. You never stood out much. So Peter was taken aback by the confidence you had and his eyes followed the curve of your lips that were held in a smirk. Even though you're shorter than him, you looked intimidating and Peter had found it oddly attractive.

"I know who you are." Your voice, which Peter had decided in that moment was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard, held such conviction that it also scared him.

Once what you had said sunk in, Peter's eyes widened in panic. And he was torn between fear of what you knew and staring at you in awe as your frighteningly attractive smirk grew.

"I-I don't know what y-you're talking about."

You raised an eyebrow, "Really now? Because I'm pretty sure you do."

"N-no, I really don't know what you mean."

"Okay then. Does Spider-Man ring a bell."

Peter felt a lump form in his throat as he swallowed thickly. "I-I-" He was cut off by the bell.

You sighed, disappointed. "We can talk during lunch. Come to the library." You said before you stalked off to your first period class.

Peter collapsed by the lockers, holding his hand to his chest in an attempt to calm his rapidly beating heart. He wasn't sure what just happened but he did know one thing.

He was not prepared for you to enter his life.


Peter stared blankly at the board in his math class, which was the period before lunch. Obviously thinking of the girl that just told him she knew his biggest secret.

You, Y/N L/N, the girl that he never even thought twice about had somehow walked into his life and threw everything off track.

He wasn't sure if he was supposed to be scared of you or attracted to you.

And it excited him in a weird way.

Peter jumped when he heard the bell ring and his heartbeat began to pick up. Every step he took towards the library felt like his feet were being weighed down and once the library came into view Peter forced himself to calm down.

He walked in and instantly spotted you at a table and he started making his way towards you.

"Um, h-hi?" Peter said sitting down across from you.

The familiar smirk settled on your lips again making Peter's heartbeat speed up.

"Oh, calm down, I'm not gonna hurt you. But anyway, is it true? Are you...y'know?"

Peter watched you suspiciously, not intending to give anything away until he knew your intentions. "What makes you think I'm Spider-Man?" He whispered.

"Couple reasons." You said simply, "In fact I'm 100% positive that you're him, but I want to hear it from you first."

"How do I know I can trust you?" Peter narrowed his eyes at you.

"You don't." You smiled this time, not smirked, and it took Peter's breath away.

"I-I.... I'm him." Peter said defeated. He didn't know who you were and he wasn't sure he liked how much control you seemed to have over him.

The smile grew on your face and you breathed out, "I knew it."

"H-how did you find out?"

"You're terrible at hiding it. My first clue was when you started going on and on about your 'internship', " you air quoted, "Then you said how you were friends with Spider-Man too. I also caught you making that web stuff in Chem."

"Shh, not so loud!" Peter whisper-yelled, looking around.

"Oops, sorry. This next one is kinda creepy, so sorry. But one day you went to the bathroom and I already had my suspicions so I looked around in your backpack and found the suit." You said embarrassed.

Peter stared in awe at you, not believeing you actually figured it out by yourself, but now he had to make sure you wouldn't tell anyone his secret, "Okay well look, you can't-"

"Tell anyone?" You said with a wave of your hand. "Don't worry, my lips are sealed. So what's it like?"

Your attitude did a full 180. You were no longer this intimidating person that Peter was terrified of, you were now just an excited teenager with a huge smile on her face waiting for Peter to talk about the thing he loves the most.

Now you were cute.

And for some reason this freaked Peter out even more.

The amount of different emotions you seemed to put Peter through in less than a half hour of speaking scared him the most.




"Peter? You okay?"

The boy was speechless. You waved your hand in front of his face which seemed to do the trick.


"Are you okay? You just kinda spaced out."

"O-oh, Yeah, I-I'm fine."

"Okay? Well are you gonna tell me what it's like to be a hero? I'm sure it's amazing, to be able to-"


Uh oh.

He didn't mean to say that.

Peter mentally berated himself for that as he dared himself to look back at you.


"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I should just go." Peter stood up.

"Whoa, hang on." You grabbed his arm which seemed to make little sparks run up and down it as his heart beat rapidly. "Sure, we can do something after school today. There's a nice café not too far. How about we go there and you can talk to me about all the hero stuff." You said with a red face and a shy smile.

"Y-Yeah sure, anything!" He said with a little too much enthusiasm.

You giggled and the smirk was back on your face, "Meet me at the front doors after last period." You said and kissed his cheek, before walking out of the library.

Peter let out a long sigh.

Oh, he was definitely not prepared for you to enter his life.

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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