A New Peter ✵

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer hollandcrush on Tumblr


Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → smut (18+), dry humping, dom! Peter, praise kink, slight degradation, spanking, cursing.

Summary → Finding out Peter has abs, so the reader rubs herself on his abs.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

"Pete. What's gotten into you?" You exclaimed, as your shy boyfriend devoured your neck, biting and sucking at your sweet spot.

"Want you. That's all." He murmured, lips trailing down to your exposed collarbones. His hands cradled your back, nails gently scratching the surface. Sending sensations through your body.

Trailing your fingers from his locks down to his covered chest, you pushed him onto the bed. He grunted at the impact. Eyes burned into your skin, watching you rip off your sweatpants leaving you in your underwear. Peter propped up on his elbows, shuffling further back on the bed. His head rested against the headboard, his fingers brushing through his hair as his eyes darkened.

Crawling towards him, you let your hands tease his body. Grazing over his growing bulge, his legs and arms. Situating yourself on his lap, his hands flew to your hips, grip unusually tight. As you moved against him, you realised how much sturdier he felt below you.

He didn't give you time to question as his lips crash into yours. The kiss was desperate, passionate. His hands digging into your side pulling you closer to his crotch. His teeth tugged your lip, muffling his groans. He threw his head back to the headboard, hiking up his hips as he did causing you to slide forward.

"Peter. Fuck." You panted as your clothed core raked against his abs. Peter was lean, and had a toned stomach, but now he was muscular. Your hands balled up his shirt, pulling it up to his chest. Your heat throbbed at the sight. Defined muscles chiselled into his abdomen. 'Where on earth did these come from?'

"Peter. What? How?" You exclaimed amazed at how fast your boyfriend's body seemed to change. Using his tight grip, he pushed your hips against the muscle.

"We can talk about it later. I'm okay. But you're so fucking wet right now." He grunted, watching as your hips involuntary rutted against his core. "Getting turned on by abs. So sexy."

You couldn't stop the movements, the bumps stimulating your clit effortlessly. Unclasping your bra, you threw it into the corner of his room, letting one of his hands grab the mounds. Your hand cupping his as he played and kneaded the sensitive bud. "It feels so good." You admitted as small whimpers left your lips.

A smirk was plastered on his face, looking at your body chase a release. He tweaked your nipple before shooting it back to your waist, his strength pressuring your soaked centre against his abdomen. "You gonna cum? Such a good girl, getting off on my abs. Leaving a mess." He growled, encouraging you to come undone.

One of your hands flew to his bulge, feeling his cock through the material of his boxers. You began palming him, making him rut against you.

"Fuck. I'm close." He purred, his senses dialed to a hundred. "Wanna see cum all over my abs. Wanna see those pretty thighs shake. Watch as you become all fucked out. My good girl is so fucking sexy, riding my abs. Imagine if anyone saw you like this." He painted, his balls tightening and cock twitched against your relentless attention.

"What would they think huh? Where did the sweet innocent girl go?"

His words made you even wetter, your own knot building as your orgasm neared. When you didn't respond, Peter smacked your ass. His handprint burned into your skin, leaving behind a nice mark. "I know that pretty little mouth of yours can answer me."

"They'd think I'm.. shit, I'm." You couldn't finished the sentence, your mind clouding with pleasure. Another smack was sent to the other cheek. "Hmm? What was that? They'd think what? You are pathetic? A slut for me?"

You nodded in agreement to his vulgar words. Embarrassement flooded your veins. He never used these words, never was this dominant. Peter let out a deep growl, cupping your chin, forcing you to stare into his eyes.

"They'd be wrong. You are my good girl. My perfect girl. Make me feel so good, always. The best girl." He praised, making you cry out his name. "Cum." He ordered.

His wish was granted, your body convulsed as your hole clenched around nothing. Your abused clit throbbed as you continued to rock your hips, riding out the high. You loved this new side of Peter. This dominance he possessed.

His hips began to thrust against your touch, his own release taking over. His nails sunk into your skin, leaving behind crescent shapes. You watched his eyes close, grunts and groans filling the room as his load shot from his cock. Painting the fabric of his boxers. He didn't care, however, the pleasure he was experiencing was too powerful.

Collapsing on top of your boyfriend, he moaned, wrapping his arms around you, holding you tight as you regained some composure. Needing space to breath, you rolled off of him. You were completely confused on what had just happened.

Darting your gaze to his abs, they glistened with your juices. His fingers traced the area, collecting some of the arousal on his digits. Eyes widened as you watched your innocent, sweet, shy Peter bring those same digits to his mouth, sucking them clean. Licking his lips, a mischievous smile appeared.

"Um so I should probably catch you up on what happened. To me."

Stunned, you nodded, breaths still heavy. "Yeah. Probably."

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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