Don't Screw Up ☆

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer selfcarecap on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → mentions of smut, language

Summary → Peter meeting your dad and trying so hard not to screw up that he ends up saying something he shouldn't have.

          。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚★

You let out a quiet moan when you feel Peter’s lips on your neck.

You focus on the feeling of his warm tongue against your skin, your eyes going wide when you realise he‘s about to give you a hickey, “No, Pete, you can‘t. Everyone will see.“

“Would it be so bad if everyone knew that you‘re mine?“

Resisting giving him a kiss, you push him off of you slightly, “No but I don‘t need my parents to know that we do stuff.“

“Stuff?” He teases, placing a soft kiss on your shoulder, “Stuff like what?” He mumbles into your neck, pulling your hoodie down so the hickey there will be hidden.

“You know what I mean,” you say, letting him kiss your chest.

“Not sure what exactly,” he says with a smirk, “Did you mean when I fingered you in the library last week?”

Heat rushes to your cheeks and it makes you want to bury your face in a pillow. Peter throws his arm over your hips though, stopping you from turning on your tummy to hide from him.

“Or were you thinking of how I fucked your pretty puss—”

“I mean all of those things,” you cut him off, “But don‘t mention that type of stuff when I‘m telling you about my parents.”

“Just stop talking about your parents then,” he smiles, grabbing your cheeks to kiss your lips.

“My dad will be home soon,” you manage to say, between kisses, “Don‘t have enough time for sex.”

“Then it‘s a really good thing that I can make you cum so quick, hm?” He lifts your hoodie and grins when he sees that you’re not wearing a bra, kissing each of your nipples. You help him get rid of your hoodie completely so he can play with your hardened nipples some more.

Sighs of pleasure leave your mouth, and you lie back, enjoying the feeling.

Peter’s fingers slip into the waistband of your jeans, pausing to look at you, “You up for that, baby?”

Nothing but a whimper leaves your mouth, then a quiet “Please.”

He unzips your jeans carefully and slips a few fingers into your panties, finding you already wet and waiting for him. A smile forms on his lips as he continues kissing you, his fingers spreading the wetness around your pussy.

The ache between your thighs increases when Peter starts opening you up with his fingers, and you start to moan; you’re close already.

Just a second later, Peter’s eyes go wide and his fingers stop moving.

“What?” You ask, sitting up. That’s when you hear the front door being unlocked and your dad coming home.

“I told you he’d be home soon!” You say but Peter ignores you, throwing your hoodie towards you which you quickly change into.

“I didn‘t think it would be that soon!” He says finally, “Where should I go? Out the window?”

“First of all you need to get your hand out of my pants.”

You roll your eyes when you see him suck his fingers into his mouth, getting rid of your wetness on him.

“You have to meet him one day,” you reason.

A moment later there’s a knock at your door and you push Peter a few inches away so it’s not obvious how close you two were.

“You got this,” you whisper, “Come in.”

“Hey honey I—” your dad goes quiet when he sees Peter.

“Uh hi dad- you know um, I told you about my boyfriend.”

The look on his face is sceptical, eyes narrowed, “Pedro?”

“Peter.” You correct him.

“Hi sir, I‘m P-Peter,” he stands up to face your dad, shaking his hand with the hand that wasn’t just inside of you. Your dad raises an eyebrow at Peter using his left hand to greet him.



“Peter. Remind me, how long have you been together with my daughter?”

“S-” Peter looks over at you. Your dad knows about him but Peter doesn’t know just how much exactly you’ve told your dad. You simply nod at him.

“Six months, sir,”

“You sure? That took you a while.”

“Oh my god, dad. Stop grilling him. It‘s six months. Can you leave now?”

Peter’s sitting with you again and your dad sits down too, “So, what do you do? Are you a student too?”

“Yes sir. And I have a job at Mr. Stark‘s-”

“Tony Stark?” Your dad wonders. You cringe at how many times he’s already interrupted your boyfriend.

“Yes, Tony Stark.”

Your dad gives a somewhat satisfied smile and harshly pats Peter’s back.

“Dad.” You warn.

“I‘m letting you know right now that I don‘t want any grandchildren running around yet,” he stares at Peter.

“Don‘t worry,” Peter says, “We only ever have protected sex.”

You’re all silent for a second. You wonder how horny Peter must have been to completely miss the point of your earlier conversation. You force out a laugh, “Haha, isn‘t he funny, dad? I‘ve really got myself a funny boyfriend, haven’t I? So um could you leave now?”

“I need a beer,” your dad grumbles, and finally leaves your room.

You look at Peter, cringing.

“I should have gone for the window,” he says, burying his head in your neck.

A few hours later, the encounter with your dad forgotten, you‘re watching a film on your bed.

Peter’s hands are under your hoodie, cupping your breasts. (He says it‘s for stress relief.)

The credits start playing and Peter mumbles something into your chest, saying it louder when he realises you didn’t hear, “I need you.”

“Need what?”

“Need my face between your tits.”

You chuckle and lift the hem of your hoodie. Peter immediately starts kissing up your belly.

This time without a knock, your dad opens your door, quickly covering his eyes when he sees the position you and Peter are in.

Peter gets off of you and doesn’t dare look up.

With an annoyed huff, your dad drops a box of condoms on your bed, “I don‘t even want to know if it was a joke or not, but I‘d rather know that you’re being safe than to unexpectedly become a grandfather.”

Both you and Peter remain silent, wanting the sex talk with your dad to be over.

“You don‘t do anything while your mother or I are home, and if I ever see you touch my daughter like that in front of my eyes, Peter, I‘m kicking you out.” And with that, he closes the door.

Peter drops his head in embarrassment.

“At least he remembered your name?” You try.

Peter only groans in response.

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 - 𝟓Where stories live. Discover now