Savage ☆

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer spideyyeet on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Avenger!Reader

Warnings → tiktok, fluff, language

Summary →Peter and the team reacting to the reader doing the Savage dance by Megan Thee Stallion.

          。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚★

Quarantine was not as bad as you thought it would be. Yea you missed MJ and Ned, and you missed walking around NYC and you missed going on patrol and meeting up with Peter on a roof.

But I guess it wasn’t bad because you had a whole team of superheros to entertain you 24/7.

Currently they're all sat in the living room working on a jigsaw puzzle. Your hand was cramping, Sam and Steve arguing over their pieces. Peter was biting his lip as he looked at the picture on the box and then his pieces.

“Where the fuck is this piece!” Tony yelled out in frustration as he looked around for that one piece.

“It’s a puzzle, why’re you all getting so worked up?” Nat asked as she watched the movie that she’d put on a couple minutes ago.

“Shut it!” Everyone yelled concentrating on the puzzle. You were halfway through done with the puzzle.

“Can we take a break?” Bucky asked as he rubbed his face.

“Yeah, I’m hungry.” Bruce said sitting up on the couch, everyone else still sitting around the coffee table in the middle.

“Fine.” Tony said standing up and stretching his back. Thor however still humming to himself as he tried to do the puzzle. “Hey, No one touches it. Hands off.” Tony said everyone putting their hands up.

“Is the pizza done?” Wanda asked, walking over to Vision who was currently taking out the pizzas from the oven.

“Yessss.” You groaned, smiling at the smell.

“I’m starving.” Peter gushed as he reaches for the plates. Everyone came around grabbing their slices and heading back to the couch to watch the movie while they ate.

You didn’t know why your mind always went to tiktok but it did. You remembered the dance and the many people that danced in front of their boyfriends and you really wanted to do it in front of everyone because who wouldn’t want to know their reactions.

You were currently sitting on the floor, the lights were dim, so you discreetly placed your phone on the coffee table, careful not to put it on any pieces then you stood up.

“I wanna dance.” You blurted causing everyone to look at you.

“Huh?” Bucky said, swallowing his bite. Peter blinked up at you as you walked to the lights.

“It’s a quick little dance from tiktok, I wanna know what you guys think.” You said causing them to hum.

“Fine.” Steve said, Peter smiling as he moved back agaisnt the couch to give you some room.

“Okie.” You said setting up the tiktok before clicking play.

The song came on and Sam was already jamming to it, nodding his head in approval as Peter smiled widely chewing his pizza. However when you threw it back, everyone’s mouths fell agape, Peter was blushing, and Nat was hyping you. Peter discreetly looked over you, rubbing the back of his neck.

Then it was over. They all clapped.

“I don’t approve though.” Tony said, Steve nodding.

“I thought you broke your back for a second.” Bucky mumbled causing Sam to fall over in laughter. You picked up your phone laughing.

“I-I thought it was really good.” Peter said as you sat back next to him. You smiled brightly, pecking his lips.

“Thanks.” You said, looking at the video. Everyone taking notice and crowding around your phone.

“Peter definitely wasn’t keeping his eyes up.” Sam mumbled, causing everyone to look down at Peter in the screen, and they could clearly make out Peter’s eyes staring at you, biting his lip as he clutched his pizza.

Tony hit the back of Peter’s head causing him to yelp.

“Ow?” Peter rubbed his head, you chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.

“I’m gonna go change.” You said, looking down at Peter quickly.

“Change into what? You're already—“ You glared at Peter, causing his eyes to widen in realization. “Oh yes!—Mhm go change.” Peter said making you slap a hand to your forehead when you turned the corner.

Peter waited exactly ten seconds before he was scrambling up, rubbing the back of his neck.

“I um—I needa call—my-my uh um m-my y/n—aunt—friend—bye!....Fuck.” They all watched as Peter sprinted disappearing around the corner.

“Can we learn that dance?” Bucky whispered to Sam, who was already nodding discreetly.


‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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