Kiss Or Slap ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer spideyyeet on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → language, kissing duh, fluff, awkwardness

Summary → You've been seeing the trend on tik tok where people can slap or kiss your cheek, however Peter didn't get the memo.

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Basically everyone in school has tik tok. And no you're not tik tok famous. And yes you've done tik toks here and there. What really surprised you was how much MJ liked it. She secretly got an account but never posted, but she always loved it when you'd ask her to do a tik tok with you, even if she pretended to hate them. Ned was obsessed with it mainly because Betty got him into it. Oh but Peter. Poor Peter didn't have time for tik tok. Yes he knew it existed, yes he let you make an account for him, but no he's never actually opened the app in his own time.

Peter was always busy, he didn't have time to just scroll through some music-dancing app thing. But when you, aka his obsession-and best friend, asked to make an account for him. He couldn't say no.

So present day. You've been seeing the trend of kiss or slap. Which basically is you going up to kids in your school asking them to either slap your face or kiss your cheek. So you decided why not?

"What's up with you?" MJ said as she saw you stuff your skateboard in your locker.

"Have you seen the kiss or slap thing on tik tok?" You asked her, closing your locker.

"Oh yea, those look dumb." She said as you hummed.

"Yup...." You said letting the silence settle in until MJ started squinting at you.

"Are you-?"

"Yea I'm gonna do it!" You blurted causing MJ to roll her eyes then chuckle.

"Why?" She asked taking the baseball cap off your head.

"Don't know why not?" You shrugged playing with your cap.

"Who'd wanna kiss you wearing that?" You and MJ both rolled your eyes in sync when hearing her voice. You leaned against your locker resting your head on the locker. "No offense y/n, but who wears basketball shorts and hoodie thinking every guy is on line to kiss you?" Gina said a little too aggressively.

"Technically this is a jacket." You said unzipping the oversized jacket to show her the plain white tank top underneath. Gina couldn't help but bring a hand to her mouth laughing with her friends Ashely and Katie. MJ rolled her eyes, as you just shrugged.

"Okay." She said laughing but sounding forced just to make you feel bad. But honestly you didn't really care, you fixed your converse. A smile tugging on your lips when she looked annoyed that you weren't paying any mind to her.

"Oh is there something else?" You said standing up as MJ places your baseball cap back on your head, with a smile. Gina sucked in a breath, fixing her all too perfect blouse and ripped skinny jeans.

"Yes." She blurted , causing MJ to cackle, her friends glaring at her. You rubbed your wrist waiting for her to speak. And soon she had a death face, taking steps towards you, coming all in your face. "Don't think you're all that, L/N, because you're not. You and your trash clothes should go back to the streets where they belong and-" MJ saw your hands in fists quickly pulling you away from Gina making her huff. MJ dragged you away before you could punched her.

"Honestly, one day I'm gonna fucking bash her face in her own goddamn sports piece of shit car!" You said with huff, as MJ had you sit down in the cafeteria.

"Don't let her get to you. And if you do end up doing it don't forget to call me." She said trying to lighten the mood. You bit your lip still annoyed at what happened a second ago. "So about the tik tok." And your thoughts were gone.

Kiss or Slap

Between each period you went up to different people, recording as people chose kiss or slap.

"Flash, kiss or slap?" You said going up to Flash making him smile. You never had bad blood, he was pretty funny, Peter was upset when he found out you two were friends but he also had to admit Flash has gotten better since middle school and the beginning of high school.

"Kiss where?" He said with a smirk, making you roll your eyes, turning your head so he can see your cheek. He pretended to be annoyed but eventually kissed your cheek.

* *

"Betty kiss or slap?" You said sitting next to Betty in class. Betty instantly knew what you were talking about when seeing you recording.

"Kiss." She said before placing a kiss on your right cheek, with a huge smile.

* *

You asked Ashely kiss or slap, she bit her lip nervously. You knew she wasn't mean, she only pretended to be a bitch when she's with Gina, but she's smart and nice.

"Kiss." She said before kissing your cheek.

* *

There were some people who did choose slap. It was never hard though, but it was funny when MJ slapped your face lightly but kissed you right after on both cheeks.

* *

But then there was Peter, who hadn't known what you were doing all day because he came late to school due to Spider-Man business. But now it's last period and the bell just rang.

"Hey!" Peter said jogging up to you, Ned, MJ and Betty by you and MJ's locker.

"Where were you dude?" Ned asked, as Betty scrolled through tik toks with MJ, agaisnt the lockers.

"Internship." He said, all four of you understood what he meant. Betty figured it out about a month ago, and Peter wasn't even upset, Betty could keep a secret better than Ned can.

You smiled brightly when you realized you hadn't asked Peter. So starting the recording, your locker still opened you turned to Peter.

"Kiss or Slap?" You said already knowing he's going to kiss your cheek.

"Huh?" Peter stammered confused, his cheeks turning pink.

"Kiss or Slap?" You asked again, making it sound obvious. Peter licked his lips looking at Ned and MJ nervous and confused, then back at you.

"K-kiss? Or slap?" Peter's cheeks were burning, he didn't want to slap you?

"It's for tik tok Peter, Kiss or slap?" You said with a light chuckle finding it amusing how flustered he's getting over something so simple and small.

"Kiss?" Peter managed to answer, his heart beating at lighting speed.

"Then kiss me." You said laughing lightly. But that was sucked right out of you when Peter's hand came up to cup the side of your face, his lips catching your bottom lip. Your eyes went wide, but eventually closed as you felt his lips against yours, his lips going to your top lip. MJ, Ned and Betty all stared mouths agape, before people were walking past Peter and you with shocked faces as well. Especially Gina.

Peter pulled back licking his lips with a shy smile, as you stared in shock. Saying the first thing that came to your mind.

"I meant on the cheek."

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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