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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer spideyyeet on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Stark!Reader

Warnings → language, SMUT, flustered Peter, fluff, first time

Summary → You found very revealing pictures of Peter on his phone.

          。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚★

You hummed under your breath as you and Peter ran up the stairs of his apartment complex. Peter jiggling the key in the jammed door, before he hit his shoulder against the front, pushing it open. The door slamming shut behind you. You hummed as Peter bopped his head along with you.

“May we’re home!” Peter shouted kicking his shoes next to yours as you danced off into the kitchen. Grabbing a bowl of grapes from the fridge.

“May?!” Peter shouted again, holding a spoon in his mouth as he opened a cup of yogurt.

“Phone Peter shush!” May shouted from her room. You both cringe, Peter apologizing softly.

You chuckled, making your way to his room, popping grapes in your mouth as you kicked the door open, dropping your bag on the floor before collapsing on your best friend's bed with a groan. Peter came in, dropping his bag before falling on the ground.

“Whoever said senior year was easy can fuck off,” Peter groaned into the floor.

“I’m gonna murder my fucking statistics teacher, she’s such a goddamn bitch.” You cursed making Peter chuckle, turning over to look up at you. He loved your voice. He loved it when you got all angry and your brows would pinch together adorably and you’d lick your lips every second as you continued to rant.

“Peter, Y/n, I need to head to the hospital,” May said poking her head through the cracked door, already dressed in her scrubs.

“Is everything okay?” You asked, sitting up.

“Yea, just some very incompetent people in charge. Anyways I left a twenty on the counter if you guys want to order anything for.” May said. “Don’t stress too much, it’s Friday watch a movie or something,” May dragged her last words, looking at Peter, who you noticed flushed deeply and mouthed something to May angrily.

“Okay bye!” Peter pushed May out the room, closing the door.

You laid back down, looking at Peter. “What was that?”

Peter whipped his head around, back leaning against the door, “What was what? What—nothing?”

“That was very convincing,” you chuckled, Peter scratching his arm over his flannel and tee.

“It was nothing, she just—you know May,” Peter scoffs, you roll your eyes noticing how weird he got, deciding to let it go.

“Did you take pictures of the history notes?” You asked, grabbing your bag from the ground and putting your grapes to the side.

“Yea,” Peter pulled his phone from his pocket. “Imma just use the bathroom quickly,” Peter said handing you his phone. You hummed opening it up as Peter left to the bathroom across the hall.

You leaned back agaisnt the headboard, going to his photos. Scratching your nose, you mindlessly scrolled through the notes he’d taken. Groaning at the amount of notes you didn’t take and now need to study.

You continued to swipe. Notes. Notes. Notes. Notes. Notes. Shirtless mirror picture. Notes—

Your eyes widen, quickly swiping back. Oh fuck. You felt your heart skip a beat at the mirror pic Peter took of himself. He was at the compound. You’ve been friends with Peter since middle school when your dad sent you to school in seventh grade. It wasn’t hard becoming friends with the two dorks in your homeroom, Peter and Ned. I mean it was you that told your dad about Peter’s powers, it wasn’t hard to notice Peter’s obvious height change, no more glasses and he looked bigger. But you didn’t know it was this much—

𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 - 𝟓Where stories live. Discover now