Video Game ❀

382 13 4

𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer spideyyeet on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Avenger!Reader

Warnings → language, fluff, mentions of sex, cuteee, pouty Peter

Summary → The reader does the TikTok with Peter were the bf is playing a video game and the gf just crawls into his lap to see what he's gonna do.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

You kicked your shoes off, huffing like a five year old as you fell onto your bed. That had to be the worst training ever, you felt like shit. Steve was being and ass about your technique and wouldn't let you use your powers and kept knocking you to the ground.

Where is Peter? You quickly took a shower and changed, jogging down to his room.

"Peter?" You called walking into his quarter but it was empty. You fell on his bed, pulling out you phone.

"Hey beautiful!" You heard Peter out of breath on the phone.

"Shit are you on patrol?" You asked, pulling his covers and snuggling under.

"Yea! Baby I'm in the middle of something right now, I'll call you back okay!" You heard gunshots and yelling in the background.

"Okay yea, be safe."

"I know. Love you always!"

"Love you always." And the phone ended. You put your phone down, hugging his pillow instantly falling asleep when your eyes closed.

Peter smiled when he saw you in his room. He'd just come back from the med-bay all patched up. It was a long night, but coming here and seeing you made everything better. He snuggled into the bed beside you, the doctors already cleaning him and having him change.

You groaned in your sleep when Peter pulled you into him, but instantly relaxed once you'd gotten comfortable holding him. Peter sighed comfortably, inhaling your scent.

"Love you baby." He whispered, kissing your temple as he fell asleep.


You groaned the next morning, rolling onto your stomach the sun instantly hitting your eye. Peter always left his curtain opened at night and it drove you mad because the sun directly hits your eye in the morning.

You brought a hand up shielding your face from the sun. "Peter?" You called feeling next to you. But it was empty. What the hell was he doing, today was off, why isn't he in bed.

You washed your face and brushed your teeth before padding your way down the compound. Until you heard shouting from Peter.

And there he was, headset on, controller in his hands, and sitting on the edge of the couch.

"Morning." You said, leaning against the wall. Peter eyes fixated on the TV.

"Morning baby!" He shouted. "No-yea I'm playin-my girlfriend just woke up-no I'm not getting head-there's one behind the building!" Peter shouted through the headset. You chuckled lightly before crashing on the couch beside him.

Minutes went by and Peter was still playing and you just so happened to be on tiktok. You've seen the recent trend of girls going under their significant other's arms while they play video games to see what they would do. Some dropped the game and cuddled and some threw them off. At this moment you just wanted to hold him. So with a smile on your face you propped your phone on the coffee table, Peter pre-occupied with his game.

"No nonnononono fuck-YES! YEA keep going Flash!" Peter shouted with excitement. You didn't say anything, you just bent down nudging his hand up and climbing under.

"W-What're you-No Flash keep going, Ned take a left!" Peter didn't acknowledge what you were doing. You wrapped your arms around his neck, sitting on his lap, Peter sighed kissing you shoulder as he looked over your shoulder, you shifting slightly.

"NO!-FUCkING dOg sHit!" Peter exclaimed dropping his controller on the bean bag in front of him, his arms embracing you tighter as he sunk in his defeat. You laughed, running your hand through his hair taking his headset off. "I love you." Peter pouted burying his face in the crook of your neck.

You chuckled, kissing his temple , "love you too." Peter ran a hand up the back of you shirt.

"You're so warm." Peter mumbled. "Can you take your shirt off, I like your warm boobs." Peter mumbled like a ten year old making your head fall back with laughter.

"We're in the living room." Peter shrugged, and then you continued. "And I'm recording." Peter eyes went wide.

"What?!" You pointed at your phone, still recording Peter, making him grumble tossing you off him and grabbing the phone.

"Fuckin TikTok."

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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