Red-Handed ☆

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer vendettaparker on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Stark! Reader

Warnings → mentions of sex/implied sex, swearing

Summary → You and Peter get caught red-handed playing “naked games” by Morgan, leading to an extremely pissed off Tony.

   。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚★

It was the little things about Peter that pissed you off. Overall he was a great person and an even better boyfriend. But he had little habits that could sour your whole mood. Like when he would skip through all the songs on a long car ride to get to the one he wanted, instead of just letting them play through or immediately clicking that specific song. Or when he’d take a few bites out of an apple, and then throw it away because he changed his mind about wanting it. One of his worst habits was leaving his coffee in the microwave after heating it up. He was such a busy person, he was always leaving his coffee or his phone lying around.

One of Peter’s worst habits, that you didn’t really mind until recently, was forgetting to set his alarm.

When your dad was home, you and Peter hung out only as friends. You were always touchy and feely friends so the facade of a platonic friendship was easy to maintain when you switched from best friends to a stable relationship.

Tony, your dad, never really like how touchy you and Peter were with each other. Like during sophomore year of high school when you invited Peter over for Avengers game night and spent most of the night on his lap.

It irked Tony to see his daughter being so touchy with his intern, but you and Peter swore up and down that you were just friends, so Tony let most of the touchiness slide.

It was when you and Peter decided that you both loved each other too much to remain ‘just friends’, that you decided not to tell Tony. You and Peter both had this irrational fear of how your dad would react. So for months, you worked out a system to avoid Tony finding out at all costs.

It started simple. Whenever Tony was home, you and Peter would hang out at his apartment. Whether it was to just cuddle or to fuck, you did it at Peter’s place. If May was home then you’d just sit around and watch movies, sometimes you’d even make out, but that usually led to more, so for the most part you just cuddled.

When your dad was away on business or on a mission you’d let Peter stay the night in your room. The one flaw to that plan was your nosy sister, but Morgan was too young to understand why Peter always stayed the night when Tony was away, so she usually didn’t say anything.

However, lately, Peter has been so busy with college, and you had been working your ass off on a new case for SHIELD, so to say that you were both a little touch starved would be an understatement. You were completely, irrevocably needy, and Peter was no better. So your new plan was to sneak Peter around 1 am and set his alarm so he could be gone by 6. It was a full proof plan. Peter could get plenty of sleep before he had to meet up with you and he could go to sleep when he got back to his apartment since he never had any classes before 10.

The one problem was Peter’s forgetfulness with his alarm.

“God, I missed you so much,” Peter sighed as he flopped back down on his back.

You wiggled out of his grasp and sighed, “I missed you too. We should work out more time to see each other.”

Peter pouted as he crawled across the bed and made grabby hands at you, “Where’re you going?”

𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 - 𝟓Where stories live. Discover now