What a Dumbass ☆

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer vendettaparker on Tumblr


Parings → Peter Parker x Avenger! Reader

Warnings → Swearing, like a substantial amount, suggestive content kinda, gun shot wound, and flustered!Peter

Summary →Peter's mistake leads to you being injured.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

Peter Benjamin Parker is a fucking dumbass. All the time mostly. Most of the time his dumbassery leads to a lot of annoyed avengers, a lot of clean up, and a lot of spilled secrets. Hence why like three people who definitely shouldn't know he is Spider-Man do. But every once in a while his idiocy can lead to an unexpected happily ever after, at least until he fucks something up again.

This particular fuck up has yet to be determined as a happy accident or your new 13th reason. It all started when that spider bitch decided it'll be a good idea to watch some explicit content on his laptop. Now, this wasn't particularly an unknown activity for him to partake in, since we all know about his little impromptu purchase in Germany, but unbeknownst to this dork, his aunt was in the next room. And to make matters worse, he accidentally just so happened to purchase a subscription using said aunt's credit card that was pre-setup in his laptop.

Now May is a very understanding woman. Very sex-positive, very loving, and inclusive; the whole shebang really. So when she happened to catch this idiot doing what he most certainly shouldn't have been doing, she wasn't mad, just thoroughly disturbed. Then she got the notification about the purchase. That was a bit more taboo in her eyes. So Peter was grounded from patrolling for a week and his laptop privileges were revoked for two weeks. That was fucking merciful compared to what this whole fuck up put you through.

At the school that following Monday, Peter spent the whole first, second, fourth, and lunch period trying to convince you to take over patrol for a week. Sure, you could definitely handle it, not to pat yourself on the back or anything, but you were significantly stronger than Peter, so it shouldn't have been that big of a deal. But you just really didn't want to. Peter had his 'Peter Tingle' to help him find danger, while you'd actually have to look. It just seemed harder for you to do than it would be for him.

"Why are you even grounded?" You sighed after Peter's 3rd time bringing up the possibility of you patrolling for him at lunch.

"He got caught watching and buying p-" Ned started laughing.

"Ned! Shut up!" Peter yelled, slapping his hand over his friend's mouth.

"How has your identity not been leaked yet?" You mumbled, giggling. You flipped through your chemistry textbook, writing notes to prepare for Friday's quiz.

"Yeah, and how come you didn't know May was home?" Ned pushed Peter's hand away. "Where was your 'Peter Tingle' then?"

"She's not a threat, dude. But shit, I really wish my tingle detected her." Peter groaned, a deep blush covering his features. "Please (Y/N). I really, really don't wanna leave Queens without any protection for a week. I'll try to convince May to let me go out on the weekend, so really it's only five days."

"I guess I could help you out, but you owe me. I should really spend this time studying for my chemistry test. Iron bitch is gonna have my head on a spike if I fail another chem test." You said, highlighting more notes.

"Okay! Delmar's for a week, anytime, anywhere." Peter said putting his hand out for you to shake.

"Make it a month, I know my worth."

𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 - 𝟓Where stories live. Discover now