Uncharted Territories ☆

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer sourcherryandsprinkles on Tumblr


Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → heavy making out

Summary → You and Peter explore each other's bodies while May is out

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

What do teenagers do when they have an empty apartment to themselves? They invite their significant other over.

Although Peter was a good kid, he wasn't much different than his peers on that part.

May wasn't an idiot either. She knew what her nephew would do while she was on her date with Happy. That's why she put a box of condoms in Peter's bedside drawer. She didn't want to think about him doing that, but if he needed it, he'd have them. She didn't want him to get a girl pregnant at sixteen!

You were over less than five minutes after May left and half an hour later, you and Peter were sitting on his bed, slowly kissing.

"Your lips taste amazing," he whispered, all breathy.

You smiled and pulled him closer by the nape of his neck, slipping your tongue between his parted lips. Peter guided you down on the unmade bed to make out more comfortably. Hands moved lower on your bodies and slipped under clothing as the kisses got more passionate, experimentally touching and exploring.

That was usually the time where May would knock on the door or Ned would come in - both situations had been very awkward and embarrassing.

But not tonight. Tonight, it was just you and him. No interrupters.

As the kiss got more heated, the air in the room got stuffy and your layers of clothes became too warm.

You shed your sweater, leaving you in a bralette while Peter pulled off his shirt, struggling to pass it over his head. You both giggled at the clumsiness, helping him with his shirt. Peter threw it away, baring the muscles the spider-bite had gifted him with.

Your gaze lowered to his chest and tongue darted out to moisten your lips.

You had seen him shirtless before - although very occasionally - when getting on or off his suit, but he had never been this close. You also never really had a proper look. Just curious glances and subtle peeks.

Sensing you staring, Peter's eyes flickered to yours, both your cheeks flaming - you from getting caught staring at his body for too long and him from being shirtless. It was cute how blush-y and shy he was despite looking like that.

Peter smiled bashfully and gently kissed you, telling you it was okay and didn't mind you staring. In fact, he liked it.

You decided to pursue your exploring with another sense, shyly letting your fingers glide over the smooth yet firm planes and muscles of his chest and down to his abdomen - well, abs. Peter shuddered under the delicate touch of your fingertips and you made a breathy sound.

If any of the girls at school knew what he was hiding under his sweatshirts and nerdy tee shirts, they'd stop teasing you for dating 'loser Peter'. They'd probably be all jealous. Especially Liz who rejected him a year ago when he asked her out to homecoming.

Now, he was yours. You smiled.

''What are you smiling about?'' Peter asked, looking at you confused.

You shook your head and kissed him. He didn't need to know about your little smug thoughts. Your tongues met again and Peter let out a raspy groan that vibrated through you and settled in your core. You pulled him closer by the hip, the feeling of your nipples touching his bare chest through the thin fabric of your bralette making blood rush south in Peter's pants. He moaned quietly, but didn't stop kissing you.

Outside his window, rain had begun falling, creating a perfect cozy background noise. You felt like in those Nicholas Sparks movies where the main protagonists are making out - or having sex - while it's storming outside.

Peter dragged his lips down your jawline and to your neck while tentatively gliding one hand up your body to cup your left breast. His thumb brushed the very thin fabric and experimentally pressed down on your nipple.

''Does this feel good?'' He asked, making sure he wasn't doing anything you didn't like.

You nodded. ''Do that again.''

He did and you arched your back into his touch, your fingers clenching around his bicep.

After a few more minutes of kissing, Peter grew uncomfortable in his pants and wrenched your mouths apart, breathing heavily. ''I think we should take a break,'' he suggested. ''Are you hungry? Do you want to eat pizza? May left money.''

You pulled your eyebrows into a frown at the sudden change of mood. ''Eh, okay.''

''What topping do you want? Is pepperoni okay? Or do you want margarita? We can do half-half if you prefer-''

''What's the sudden rush with the pizza?'' You asked, getting a strange vibe from your boyfriend. He was only this ramble-y when he was nervous. ''One second we were kissing and the next you jumped away from me as if I just told you I have lices. Did I do something?''

''No! Well, yes, but that's not really your fault. It's just-'' Peter sighed, fidgeting with his fingers. ''If we continue, I might do things I'm not ready for,'' he admitted, his eyes avoiding yours.

It took you a couple seconds to get what he meant. ''Oh.'' You glanced down at the obvious tent in Peter's pants and bit a laugh. ''Is someone a little excited?''

His face flushed in embarrassment. He turned over on his stomach, hiding his face in his pillow. ''Shut up...''

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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