Friends? ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer ptergwen on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → a bit angsty

Summary → Peter meets his new neighbor.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

Peter grins as he steps inside his apartment, a sense of lightness to him that he hasn't felt in a long time. He's arriving home from one of his general education classes.

It's a small space. It's a drab one, too. But, it's his. He's still settling in, only having moved in just recently. He likes his new neighborhood, and he's breezing through his new courses. For once, life is simple. That's the best thing it can be. He does classes during the day and Spider-Man patrol at night.

What more could he ask for?

A little company, maybe.

To make a long story short, Peter broke the multiverse. Fixing it required the world to forget him. His identity was erased, as well as the memories his loved ones had of him. He went from being known by all after his identity was revealed to being completely forgotten. Needless to say, he's lonely.

Just as Peter is getting comfortable, there's a knock at his door. He shoots up out of his seat, brows knitted together in confusion. He isn't expecting anyone. He doesn't even know anyone.

Peter cautiously approaches the door and looks through its peephole. He doesn't recognize who's on the other side. They raise their fist to knock again when he doesn't answer, lip pulled between their teeth.

He has a visitor?

Peter's curiosity outweighs his skepticism, so he opens the door.

"Hey!" you greet, lowering your fist. "Hi. Um, didn't you move in the other day?" you wonder. "Uh, yeah. I did. Still kinda working on it, actually," Peter swings the door open further to reveal unopened moving boxes. You laugh quietly. "Well, we're neighbors. I thought I'd come by and welcome you, or whatever," you explain.

"Oh, thank you. You didn't have to do that," Peter shakes his head. "That's what neighbors are for, right?" you flash him a friendly smile. His gaze softens. "Yeah... right," he agrees, a smile of his own overtaking his features. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Y/N," you introduce yourself.

You stick out a hand for Peter to shake. He does so, his eyes becoming puppy-like the longer they study your face.

"Peter," he murmurs. His smile widens into a full grin. "Peter, cool," you repeat, committing his name to memory. "I guess I'll leave you to it, then. Have a nice night," you smile once again.

You turn to leave, but Peter finds himself wanting you to stay.

So, he asks you to.

"Did you wanna come in?" Peter jabs a thumb back at his apartment. You raise your brows, surprised by the offer. "I mean, only if you want to. You don't have to. I just thought-" he starts to ramble. "I want to, Peter. I'll come in," you interject with a giggle. "Awesome," Peter exhales.

He scrunches his nose to suppress another smile, moving aside to let you in. You look around while he closes up the door. You chuckle to yourself at a Star Wars LEGO on his night table, slowly strolling around the apartment. Peter watches you from the door.

"Sorry about the mess," he apologizes for the boxes. "No, no. Don't be. Gives the place a good ambiance," you joke. Peter breathes out a laugh. "Can I get you something to drink? Eat?" he wonders. "Nah, I'm okay. Thanks, though," you reply, picking up his LEGO. "Good because I don't have either," Peter mumbles.

"Ha, you're funny. I think we're gonna get along," you decide, glancing over at him.

Peter beams at you. You put the LEGO back down and carefully pat its head with your fingertips. He joins you over in his room, sitting on the bed. You turn and face him.

"How're you liking it here?" you inquire. "It's nice. Nice change of pace," Peter responds. He gazes up at you. "Yeah? You need that?" you ask, crossing over to him. "You have no idea," he says under his breath.

"Can I be honest with you, Peter?" you question. You stop in front of him. "Yeah, sure. Go for it," he meets your eyes. "I'm not sure what it is, but... you seem kinda lonely," you smile rather sadly. "I was thinking maybe you could use a friend," you go on. "Can I be honest with you?" Peter echoes. You nod. "I could," his lips pull into a grin.

You place a hand on his shoulder, your touch gentle. He leans into it.

"Friends?" you check. "Friends," Peter confirms.

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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