Ice Cream ☆

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer marvelouspeterparker on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → boner

Summary → Peter's friend gets excited when he sees you eating ice cream.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

It was a hot Summer's day and you were currently seated on a bench in the park, waiting for Peter to return with ice cream. Shortly he arrived, moving your legs on to his lap after giving you your treat.

"Thanks Pete," you smiled at him.

"Anytime babe," he smiled back.

You went on talking about anything and everything, as Peter's hand mindlessly traced patterns on your legs, making goosebumps raise, despite the heat.

The humid temperature was making your ice cream melt faster than you would like, causing you to lick all over, kind of desperately if you're honest. Throughout your entire conversation, Peter's gaze lingered on your lips.

You of course, didn't notice. Until you felt him start to squirm under your legs. Figuring it was because of you, you began to take your legs off of him, before he quickly grabbed your legs,

"No!- I mean, uh y-you don't have to do that..." He blurted out, while keeping a tight grip on your legs.

"Uh- are you okay?" You asked, worried.

"Yeah, just don't move your legs please..." He said not looking directly at you.

"...Why not?" You looked down before he could stop you. And suddenly realisation hits you.

"Oh.. are you?" You took a pause, "how did you get-"

Peter interrupted you, "no, I-I don't know how I got a boner, it just kind of happened! It's because of how you were eating that ice cream, I bet!"

Your eyes widened, "oh um, I'm sorry?"

"It's not your fault- I mean it kind of is, but not really. It's fine, I'm sorry if anything."

Suddenly you felt a spark of confidence, "if this is still a problem later, I can help you out if you want," you smiled at him and kissed his cheek before leaning back and getting comfortable.

His face turned red, "uh, okay."

Peter suddenly couldn't wait to get home.

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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