Wasted ❀

390 7 0

𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer inthemytdl on Tumblr


Parings → Peter Parker x Avenger! Reader

Warnings → mentions of alcohol, suggestive

Summary →You're tired and Peter's drunk.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

The door opens and Peter stumbles into your room in the avengers compound.

"Hey," he whispers, taking off his flannel then fidgeting with his belt, struggling to unbuckle it. "Y/n?" He calls as he walks further into your room, accidentally kicking your backpack then sitting on your bed and leaning in to look at you.

"Y/n," he whines, tapping you and you groan, turning over to face him.

"Hey," he cheers, his face illuminated by the moonlight shining through your window.

"Peter," you say, sitting up to look at your clock, "it's three a.m-"

"I know, I'm sorry," he cuts you off, looking down at his waistband, "but I can't take my belt off i-it's too hard." He slurs his last line.

"Are you drunk?"

"N-no... I'm not drunk!"

You crease your brows at his stumbling.

"O-okay maybe a little..."

Sighing, you allow yourself to fall back onto the mattress.

"Thor let me have some of his asgardian liquor-said it'd work on me and regular drinks never did so," he trails off.

You close your eyes, falling back asleep before he shouts.


Your eyes snap back open.

"I know you're tired but I can't take it off," he whines, looking back down at his belt, "and I can't take my clothes off... or anything else."

You groan, sitting up to help him remove his belt. After, he flicks off his shoes and takes off his pants, opting to sleep in boxers.

"Thanks," he says and you lay back down, making room for him to lay beside you.

A couple minutes go by and Peter begins shuffling. You, trying your best to ignore him, pull the covers up, snuggling back into the warmth of your comforter.

"Y/n?" He calls and you hum.

"You know... you look really pretty when you sleep," he smiles.

"Then I must look bad cause I can't sleep when you're talking."

Peter chuckles, moving closer to you.

"Wanna hear about my day?"

"Sure," you yawn; maybe this would help you sleep.

"Okay, uh...," he thinks for a moment. "I helped this lady cross the road," he cheers and you give him a lazy smile, "but she didn't like that too much-told me to leave her alone." His cheer turns into a grumble and he crosses his arms. "Y-you know Jameson's really messing up my rep. Every time I try to help someone they think I'm some menace."

You frown. Having known Peter for a while, you knew he only wanted to help, but with reporters like Jameson, it was hard for anyone to see that.

"Oh! And I-fuck! What was I gonna say?"

You laugh and a cheeky grin appears on Peter's face.

"You know," he says, moving so that he's hovering above you, "I think I deserve a reward." He pushes your arms down.

"Peter," you warn.

"C'mon! I do all this work, I get shot at every weekend, and no one even says thank you!"

"Thank you," you tease and he glares at you.

The two of you pause for a moment, Peter breathing heavily above you.

"Okay, I'll let you sleep now," he says, moving back to his side of the bed as you grab the blanket, adjusting it so that it covers the both of you.

"Thanks," he yawns and you close your eyes, sneaking a hand under your pillow and falling asleep to the sound of his soft snores.

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ‎∗

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