Broke ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer spideyyeet on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Stark!Reader

Warnings → Flufffffffffffffffff, language, making outttttt, tiktok edition

Summary → Kissing my best friend trend with Peter.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

You bit your lip, nervously bouncing your leg under the table. Peter was ranting and ranting about his physics test and how he's right and his teacher is a dumbass. You always listen. And I mean always listen. But today was different.

You've had a crush on this kid for what? A year now? And he's still oblivious as fuck. But you forgive him because everytime you try to flirt, it blows up in your face and Peter just laughs.

However you saw a tiktok, no not one tiktok, multiple tiktoks. And all these girls are kissing their best friends and well-you want to kiss your best friend too!

"Peter wanna come over today?" You blurted, Peters brows furrowing as did Ned's, MJ only bit her lip trying to suppress her laugh knowing you were trying to make a move.

"Um, I mean it's Friday and that's when I train so I'll already be at the compound...where you live, but okay?" He said slowly trying to see if your okay.

"Oh yea-duh obviously-I'm gonna go!" You quickly blurted grabbing your bag and quickly walking out of the cafeteria.

"Did something happen?" Peter asked MJ, but she only laughed.

"My god you're an idiot." She said grabbing her things and following you.

"Wh-how am I an idiot?!" Peter exclaimed, Ned shrugging in response.


"Hey, you didn't wait?" Peter said dropping his bag by the counter.

"Oh um, sorry I thought you were gonna go on patrol." You said, eating your chips. Peter hummed, his brows furrowed.

"I don't have patrol on Fridays after Mr. Stark said I should have a day off and train know that though." Peter studied your face carefully. "Are you okay?" He asked slowly. You hummed turning your phone off and looking up at Peter.

"I'm perfect." You smiled sliding your chips to him.

"O-okay then, I'm gonna go change-Wanna train with me?" He said with a smile.

"Haha that's funny, today's not my day, I'm not in the mood to spare Steve, he's been an ass lately." You said with a scoff. Peter chuckled rolling his eyes.

"You're just mad you can't take him on-"

You gasped dramatically. "I so can, but he doesn't let me use my powers but technically he's using his cuz of his super strength!" You exclaim, Peters head going back laughing.

"Mhm sureee." Peter hummed, walking away.


"I can't feel my arms." Peter whined as he walked into the kitchen where you sat on the counter.

"dO yOu wAnnA tRaiN wiTh mE." You mocked him a few hours ago, Peter rolling his eyes looking at you recording him.

"Fuck off, Bucky was on a mission so I had to spare Steve the whole fucking timeeee." He groaned letting his weight fall on you as he stood between your legs.

"Dudeeeee you're all sweaty." You groaned, already have taken a shower.

"Do you not care about my physical health, I feel like noodles, I can't even lift my arms." Peter said dramaticly, showing you how he can barely moves his arms.

"Are you hungry?" You said, Peter hummed in approval, you ending the video.

"I'll be an amazing person and heat some pizza up." You said pushing Peter away making him groan. "Oh my god chill." You teased making Peter groan in response. You bit your lip as you took out the pizza from the fridge and putting it in the microwave. No one's in the kitchen. Peter is right there. Your phone is in your pocket. It's now or never.

You put your phone against the opposite side of the kitchen counter so it faced you and Peter.

"I thought you were gonna make me pizza not a tiktok." Peter whined as he lazily leaned against the counter watching you.

"I can multitask." You said biting your lip. Peter hummed, watching as you recorded.

"You're not dancing....why aren't you dancing?" Peter questioned waving to the camera with a dorky smile.

"Cuz it's not a dancing video." You said taking his pizza out of the microwave.

"What kind of video is it then?" He said watching as you made your way to him, setting the plate down. Now or never.

You brought your hand to the back of his neck, other resting on his sweaty bicep, standing up on your tiptoes, lips pressing agaisnt Peter's. Peter's eyes went wide as you pulled away not a second after-but Peter didn't give you a chance to breathe before he was cupping your face and crashing his lips with yours.

You hummed against his lips, Peter feeling your lips, pressing his body agaisnt yours more. You swiped your tongue on his bottom lip, Peter opening his mouth for you. You could feel your body growing hotter and hotter by the second. You slipped your tongue into his mouth, tongues dancing with each other. Peter's hand getting lost in your damp hair, your hand holding the front of his sweaty shirt tightly as the other held his wrist that cupped your cheek.

Peter turned you around, pressing your back against the counter as he sucked on your tongue making you moan softly. Peter almost lost all control then and there-

"Oh. My. God!" You and Peter instantly pulled apart, lips agape as you stared with wide eyes at Wanda and Sam.

"You two-I knew it! I fucking knew it! Who owes me ten dollars?-Nat does and Steve and Bruce and so many people-I'M GONNA BE RICH!" Sam yelled, going over to hug you both before running to find everyone that made the bet with him.

"This could've happened earlier if I told you." She said slyly watching as you both stared with confused eyes before gasping in union.

"You knew Peter liked me and didn't say anything?!"

"You knew Y/n liked me and didn't say anything?!"

Wanda rolled her eyes. "I can read minds you know, but you were the two that told me to stop reading minds and saying what I saw after I found you liked the other. And the stuff you two think about-my god you guys are filthy." She said shaking her head before disappearing. Both you and Peter flushed.

"So like me?" Peter said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yea kinda."

"Just kinda?" He teased making you roll your eyes pushing him back. "I'm kidding I'm kidding." He said holding your waist. "I like you too." He said leaning down to kiss your lips innocently.


"Excuse me! Since when was this a thing!" Bucky yelled out in shock, a hand covering his mouth.

"MY MONEY BARNES!" Sam shouted from down the hall. Bucky's eyes widening.

"Fuck I'm broke."

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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