Cuddles and Appendicitis ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer dlwritings on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → period talk if you need to be warned

Summary → You don't want Peter knowing that mother nature's monthly gift arrived. Little did you realize, not telling him would bring a whole other host of problems.

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Men could complain about getting kicked in the balls all they wanted, but until they experienced monthly menstrual cramps, they didn't know shit. And your cramps were unlike any other pain you encountered. Every. Single. Month.

This month, it was even worse than normal.

It hit you in the middle of the week in the middle of the day at school. You were sitting in history class next to your boyfriend, Peter, when you felt the searing pain in your abdomen. You winced and clutched your stomach causing Peter's eyebrows to furrow. "What's wrong?" He whispered while your teacher droned on about the Sokovia Accords.

"Nothing," you said dismissively. "Just a weird stomach thing for a second. I'm all good now."

You and Peter hadn't been dating for very long, and this was the first period you had while in your relationship. You just were not ready to tell him about your female problems. You knew you shouldn't feel ashamed to tell him but still it was a bit of an awkward topic for you.

You snuck a text to your mom when your teacher and Peter weren't looking, asking her to come pick you up. She was always very understanding about your need for bed rest on the early days of your period, mostly because she had been the same way growing up. A few minutes before class was over, she texted that she was on her way to come get you. "Hey," you whispered to Peter, "my mom's gonna come pick me up, okay?"

"What?" He said a little too loudly. Your teacher and classmates turned to look at you both which made Peter flush in embarrassment and sink down in his seat. "Sorry," he mumbled. Your teacher rolled his eyes and continued lecturing. "Are you okay?" He whispered once the attention was off you both.

"I'm fine," you lied. "Just don't feel great, and I'd rather just be home."

"Are you sure?" He said.

"Yeah," you said just as another sharp pain hit your stomach. You winced, and Peter's eyes grew wide.


"Swear, Pete, I'm okay," you said. The bell rang, so you all packed up your things. You were quick to press a kiss to Peter's cheek. "I'll see you later, okay?" He nodded dumbly while you hurried out of the room before another wave of pain came over you.

You were out for the count for three days, and Peter was getting super concerned. You were answering his text messages and phone calls, but you wouldn't let him come visit, and he didn't like that you were missing so much school. You wouldn't do that unless something was really wrong.

And if you weren't going to tell him what was wrong, he'd turn to the one that knows all.


The results were less than encouraging. The first related health condition listed when he searched "sharp pain in abdomen" was appendicitis, and that made Peter lose his shit.

"Oh my god, Ned," he said, pacing his bedroom after he told him what he had found. "What do I do?"

"Well what cures appendicitis?" He asked.

"Surgery!" He shouted. "What if she's having surgery and won't even tell me! How am I supposed to help her?"

"Peter, Peter, just relax," Ned said, standing up from the bed. He put his hands on his friend's shoulders. "Have you asked her about it?"

"I just keep asking how she's feeling," he explained, "and she's super vague."

"I say, go to her house," he said. "Her mom'll let you in, and she'll explain it all. She loves you, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, her mom's great," he said with a nod and a calming, stabilizing breath.

"Then go!" Ned said, slapping Peter's bicep. "What're you still doing here?"

"You're right," Peter said with a nod. "Right. Okay. I'm gonna go."

"Great," Ned said, sitting back down on the bed. Peter furrowed his eyebrows at him. "May's bringing Chinese."

"Dude," he chuckled in disbelief. Rather than arguing, he just pulled on his suit, climbed out the window, and took off for your house.

When Peter got close to your house, he stopped a few blocks away so he could change out of his suit and into normal clothes before approaching your house. He held his breath as he knocked on your front door and put on his biggest smile when your mom answered. "Hi, Mrs. (Y/L/N)," he said.

"Oh, hi Peter," she said, smiling back. "Did (Y/N) ask you to come?"

"Uh, no," he stuttered. He realized then that he should've brought something for you. Flowers? Chocolates? Balloons? A teddy bear? "I just, is she okay?"

"She's fine," she said with a confused nod. "Why don't you come in and talk to her yourself?" Peter nodded and thanked her as he stepped into the house. Peter knew the way to your room, so after waving a hello to your dad, he went to your door.

He knocked softly, and when you called out a soft, "Yeah?" He let himself in.

"Hi," he said, a blush creeping up his cheeks.

"Peter?" You said, your voice sounding tired. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you," he said. "How're you feeling?"

"'M fine," you mumbled, adjusting how you were laying. You winced once at the pain and then again in annoyance with yourself.

"You're not," Peter practically whined. "Have you scheduled surgery?" This made you furrow your eyebrows.

"Surgery?" You repeated. "What are you talking about?"

"Your appendicitis!" He said, motioning dramatically to you.

"Appendicitis?" You said. When Peter nodded aggressively, you didn't know if you wanted to laugh or cry. "Baby," you finally chuckled, "I don't have appendicitis."

"You don't?" He said. You shook your head and patted the bed next to you. He joined you under the covers, and you buried your face in his chest so you didn't have to look at him.

"I'm on my period," you mumbled. Peter looked down at you and stroked your hair, hoping it would get you to look up at him. It did, and he could read the embarrassment in your eyes.

"That's all?" He said. "Why didn't you just tell me?"

"Cuz I didn't want to make you weird out," you said.

"Weird out?" He chuckled. "Weird out more than thinking you have appendicitis?" This made you giggle and cover your face with your hands which made Peter smile as well. "This is literally a thing you have to go through every month," he said. "Part of having a girlfriend is understanding that this happens. I would've hated if you hid from me every month because you were embarrassed that your body was doing what it's supposed to do."

You nuzzled your nose against his jaw which made him chuckle and turn his head to kiss you. It was a short and sweet kiss that you both smiled beneath. "So," he said when you both pulled apart, "what do you like when you're on your period?" You raised your eyebrows at him. "Chocolates? Ice cream?"

"Cuddles?" You offered.

He chuckled. "I can do cuddles."

About an hour later, your parents realized it had been quiet in your room for quite a while. Your mom decided to be the one to check, knocking softly on your door before cracking it open. On the other side, she found you and Peter asleep, arms wrapped around each other, and your head resting on his chest. She couldn't help but smile and close the door as she left you both to rest.

Yes, your mom really did love Peter.

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