How Do You Taste? ✵

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer vendettaparker on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → Smut (oral - f receiving, fingering, praise kink), cursing, teeny tiny angst, jealousy, slut-shaming? drinking.

Summary → Something about Peter Parker just irks you. As much as you hate the banter and the annoying comments, that doesn't stop you from falling into his arms..

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

The thing that irritated you, like fucking ruined your day, every day, was your biochemistry class with Peter Parker. It wasn't like he was the devil or anything-that you know of-he was just annoying. Perfectly annoying.

He'd come in with his chai mocha soy latte, a little bounce in his step, ready to answer every question the teacher threw at him, god forbid he give any other student a chance to actually learn. He'd always answer each question perfectly as if he should be teaching the class instead. It was frustrating and insufferable, but you needed this credit for the job you wanted, so you just stuck around.

What made it so much worse was the fact that deep down, you knew you didn't really have a viable reason to hate him. You kind of just did. You'd see his perfect smile and the crinkle in the corner of his eyes when he'd laugh and you wanted to just punch his stupidly handsome face.

It wasn't his fault, per say, and maybe you two could've been good friends. But in your begging process of gauging how much you cared to hate him-or like him-, he accidentally spilled his stupid chai mocha soy latte all over your notes. And just like that, his fate was sealed as the cocky, annoyingly gorgeous, pain in your ass.

As usual, Peter waltzed in with his coffee and sat in the seat next to you. He shot you a cocky smile, making you roll your eyes, before looking at the board and writing the title of the lesson at the top of his notebook page.

"You know, (Y/N)," He said, nudging you with his pencil, "I think you look really pretty today."

You scoffed and looked down at your sweats, the pants having a small paint stain on them that you couldn't get out. Your hair was in a messy pony, most of it had already fallen out. And God, the dark circles under your eyes. You were definitely less than presentable.

"Shut up," You nudged him back, "I'm already having a shit day, I don't need your snide comments."

Peter held a hand to his chest in faux offense, "It wasn't snide, it was genuine." You just glared at him and he chuckled. The sound was heavenly, but you felt like you were in hell having him sat next to you.

"Why don't you go sit by Gwen?" You snapped, "I'm sure she'd be much better reciprocating of your "genuine" comments."

It was no secret that Gwen had it bad for Peter. She'd smile and wave at him with her perfectly manicured nails. She'd giggle at everything he said, and none of it was necessarily funny.

"But I wanna sit with you," Peter pouted before sending you another nudge and a wink.

You groaned again and began to pack your things, ready to move to sit by MJ before Peter could continue to badger you.

You looked down at Peter's paper before leaving, giving him a smirk of your own, "You spelled 'Reciprocal' wrong." You pointed out before walking away, leaving Peter to look down and analyze his writing again.

"Damn it," Peter mumbled, annoyed that he didn't get the last laugh this time.

"Hey cutie," MJ smiled when you came and sat next to her.

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