Work Of Art ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer blissfulparker on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → FLUFF

Summary → I don't know how to summarise this 🤦. Just read.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

The afternoon was spent in your studio with the windows open letting the breeze of Queens enter your room. You stood there with your music blasting in your ears as you painted. The painting was of a riverbank in the spring evening. The colors all matched perfectly making you happy as you mixed and painted them. Painting was something you did always, it was what you found to soften your mood after long days at school or work.

Peter was off with Ned, or at least that's what he told you. You knew his dangers of being Spider-Man so you knew sometimes he lied to you as he went on a mission. The last thing you wanted was to lose your boyfriend after you had already lost your father. Peter meant the world to you and he knew that.

The painting was almost finished as you felt a pair of arms sneak around your waist. The quick actions shocked you profoundly causing you to turn around and hit Peter with your brush. You stood in shock with a lilac purple color on his left cheek.

"Peter! You can't do that!" You yelled taking out your headphones, pausing your music, and putting down the pallet and brush.

"I called your name like three times! How loud is your music? And besides, I was trying to be romantic like they do in the movies! You were supposed to turn around and kiss me not wack me!" He said as he placed his finger to wipe the paint off of his cheek.

"Oh, Petey! Here, let me just..." You said picking up a rag and wiping his face.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have-" you cut him off by placing a kiss on his lips.

"It was cute Peter, it honestly was." You said as you looked into his chocolate brown eyes that made you melt. He smiled before remembering what he had to say.

"Anyways, I was going to ask if you wanted to order sushi and then study for our bio test tomorrow." He looked down at his foot that was tapping softly.

You personally thought it was adorable that he still got nervous to ask you on dates, even if they were just small ones like these. Or how he'd get flustered to kiss you in the hall by your locker before Spanish. Even after you've been dating for a year, he'd get flustered to ask you things or do things with you. You weren't going to lie either, you would get nervous to hold his hand in the hallway as if you two started dating yesterday. Sometimes when it'd get silent during your dates you would blush tremendously because it was like you guys were new to each other. Even though you weren't.

" that a yes or a no?" He asked you and you snapped out of your thoughts.

"Yeah of course it's a yes. I don't even know why you ask anymore Pete, we've been together for a long time now." You said as you turned around grabbing your pallet and working on the painting again.

"It's because I get nervous that you might leave me one day (y/n), I mean you're beyond beautiful and I don't deserve you. I love you so-" Peter cut himself off.

Your body froze.You both have never said the L word to one another. Not in conditions like this. Yes, there have been times where you have done something for the other and you have said it like you would say to a friend but nothing this serious. You've thought about telling him multiple times but you were scared. Scared that he wouldn't say it back or worse not say anything at all. Peter is the type of person to freeze up in situations like this.

"Y-you l-love me?" You turned around with tears perking in your eyes.

"O-of course I do," he said as he smiled shyly and wrapped his arms around your waist as you stepped closer to him, taking in his presence. He kissed you with more love and passion than he did before. You froze as you realized you still had the pallet in your hands.

"Sorry." You said before pulling back revealing the paint on both of your shirts.

"It's okay I'll just..." He said as he started to take off his shirt causing you to freeze up even more and stare at how perfect he was.

"Are you going to stare or...?" He asked now standing with his shirt in his hand. You quickly snapped out of it once again realizing you looked like a creep.

You walked to set the pallet down and walk over to the sink in the room with the shirt that you took from his hands. You started to rinse it out to try and get as much paint out as possible. Luckily, the shirt was darker so the paint would wash out easily.

"Oh and by the way Peter, I would never leave you. I mean for heaven's sake Pete, you're Spider-Man." You chuckled, "where am I going to ever find another man that's Spider-Man?" You asked.

You felt his arms snake around once again. You turned around this time with no paint or anything to get him dirty. He placed a soft kiss on your lips that carried so much passion and so much meaning. The kiss proved how much he loved you.

"So are we like... a romance movie? Where the girl falls in love with a superhero and then you know stuff goes down but they still love each other in the end." He asks looking at you.

"I doubt it, I mean we'd pretty much have to be like famous or something. Or maybe I would like leave you for a few years and then come back and you be all shocked to see me because you thought I died." You explained.

"Why would I think you're dead?" He asked laughing a little.

"I don't know, aren't we a romantic movie right now?" You asked.

"I love you." He said placing a kiss on your forehead.

"As do I." You replied smiling.

"So wait in this romantic movie can I be an avenger?"

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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