Peter Is A Teasing Man ✵

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer secretaccountlol on Tumblr

Parings → Frat! Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → teasing and ALOT OF IT!!safe word mentioned not used, overstimulation, toys!! (vibrators and dildos), pussy eating, a bit of switch! Peter and reader, pet names, unprotected sex!

Summary → You and Peter have been friends for a while now. He offers to help you with your "problem".

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

"Peter." You mumbled, staring at your best friend of 2 years now. "What- what are you doing?" His arms caged you between the door. "Isn't it obvious?" He tilted towards your face, nipping at your ear, "I'm about to fuck the shit outta you." His voice didn't waver at all, it was crystal clear, you shuddered. You start to call his name again but a laugh stops you, "And that's how I'd initiate sex with someone I like," he pulls back gripping your shoulders, his face big with a smirk, yours with an attempted scowl as your cheeks heat up.

"That's not funny!!" You push him away, stomping into the living room, Peter trails behind, before you could plop down on your couch, he pulls you to his chest. "Nooo, don't be mad at me, you're the one who asked, sweetheart." He rocks both you and himself side to side in a soothing motion. "Exactly! Asked! Not show! Two different things, Parker." This earns another chuckle from him, as he bends down to kiss your cheek. "Mm, you're right firefly, I'm sowwy for teasing you." You grunt, pulling your way out of his arms and finally sitting on your couch as he stares at you, delighted.

"Stop staring at me, you creep." You cross your arms, you're still scowling, but now it's actually believable. "But you're sooo pretty!" You hated when he got like this, the constant teasing. His teasing fits were always random too, like one time you came back from the gym and he couldn't stop cracking sex jokes much to your dismay, or the time your skirt ripped and he had to patch it for you he had a field day with that one.

"It's really your fault for asking though," Peter chatted at your side, his shoulder leaning on you pushing into the couch slightly. "Move over, Parker. You're squishing me!" You try scooting him away but he just lets all of his body weight drop on you, "Now I'm actually squishing you." Peter's voice was full of shrillness. "Peter!! Get off!" You whine as his weight sends you flying on your back, his sadistic laugh fills your ears. "Ugh, you're so annoying!" You grumped as Peter finally got off of you. "Aw you don't really believe that Firefly," he pouted, he tried his best to give you puppy eyes. You avoid the manipulation by getting up and heading toward the kitchen. "God I wish I never moved in with you!" You move around the kitchen, opening and slamming the fridge to get juice before spinning around and dropping the carton, which Peter catches without flinching, his eyes just searching yours, as he holds your juice hostage in his hands. "You don't mean that right?" Peter's head cocked to the side, reminding you of a puppy. "Mean what, Peter.." You try playing it cool but it's a bit hard when Peter is unconsciously backing you into a wall. "What you just said..You wish I never moved in?" You felt a ping in your heart, shit. "Aw no Pete, I was just fake mad, I'm glad we live together, I promise." You push your hand into his chest slightly, his boyish charm is instantly rebooted, a lil smirk plays on his face, he gives a small "yay" before turning around.

"Peter, my juice?" You said curiously as he pulled a glass from the cabinet. "I know, I'm pouring it for you to save you the trouble, clumsy." Peter chuckled as you huffed. "You're so meaaan to me!" You snatch the glass away from him as soon as he's done pouring, sticking out your tongue. "Mm, careful I might tongue kiss you if you do that too much," Peter stated as he got another glass to pour some for himself. You burn red " can't just say that stuff, Peter!!" You blurt out, Peter spins around to face you, collectedly sipping from his glass.

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