Passing Notes In Secrecy ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer duskholland on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → none

Summary → Peter thinks you're cute so he starts passing notes with you.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

When Peter Parker passes you the first note, you really have no idea what to expect.

You've never really talked to him before. Though you've shared the same Chem 101 class all semester, the most interaction you've had with the boy has been a few shy smiles here and there, and then a borrowed pencil a couple of weeks ago. You aren't friends - hell, you barely even know him, so it knocks you off guard completely when you feel a soft tap on your shoulder and turn away from your bubbling test tubes to see Peter sitting behind you, a nervous smile on his face, holding out a folded paper note.

You accept it easily, mouthing a soft 'thanks', before glancing to the front of the lab to your chemistry professor. She's got her head in her hands, angry eyes perusing the scene in front of her for any signs of disobedience. She's such a hardass, and she decided that today would be the perfect opportunity to banish all talking and laughter from the lab, so you're working on your chemistry experiments in silence. Deciding you'd rather not attract the attention of her beady little eyes, you turn your back to Peter and look down at the note, pretending to be examining your experiment instead.

Hey. I hope this isn't weird but you look really pretty today.

You're really glad you'd turned back around, because if Peter could see the large smile the note brings to your face, you think you might die from embarrassment. With slightly shaky fingers, you pick up your pen and scribble out a response.

Not weird, but very out of the blue. Thank you though. You're rocking the goggles ;)

You pass it back, gaze lingering briefly on the large chemistry goggles Peter's got pressed over his soft, brown eyes. You go back to monitoring your experiment until there's another soft tap to your back, and you reach back to have him press the paper back into your palm.

The goggles are not the best fashion statement. I think they make me look like a mad scientist. But thanks :) this professor sucks!

You grin as you take in the note, your teeth digging into your lower lip as you try to bite back the budding smile.

These exchanges carry on for the rest of the practical, each one causing you to regard Peter a little more warmly. He's funny, and he's laying it on thick, but he's always very gentle and unassuming with his small compliments - first saying how much he likes your pencil case, then saying he thinks you've done the lab better than him because your test tubes are glowing a nicer colour than his, then moving on to say he loves the way you've done your hair today. It brings a small splash of giddiness into your heart, and you find yourself grateful that your professor had banned talking today because you're enjoying this clandestine exchange with Peter so much.

With five minutes left on the clock, you pluck up enough courage to write out a slightly risky message.

What's your last name??

Parker. Why?

You take a leap of faith as you scribble out the suggestive words.

Gotta know the name of the guy that's gonna take me out on a date.

You sneak a glance at his face as his eager eyes skim across the note, and he brings his gaze up to shoot you a warm smile. He takes his time with his response, seeming to thrive off the way you're nervously tapping away at the bench in front of you. Your fingers brush together as he passes you over the note, and his skin is warm to touch.

Fair enough. Are you free after class? :)

You slip the note into your pocket and cross your arms over your chest, nodding softly at Peter, who leans against the bench across from you. His eyes glint with happiness as you wait out the final few seconds of class, a sigh of relief passing by your lips as the professor finally dismisses you. As laughter and chatter break out across the room, you drift over to your newfound friend.

"You're not going to take me somewhere to kill me, are you?" You ask, teasing him a little.

Peter chuckles, and the melodic sound feels like the beginning of something wonderful. His pink lips are pulled into a wide smile as he responds, "Of course not, Y/N. I want to win you over." He says it so easily that your heart quickens in your chest. He's shy as he adds, quietly, "How do you feel about milkshakes?"

Your teeth graze your lower lip as you nod your head eagerly.

"Milkshakes sound amazing."

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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