The Spray ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer yesitsmewhataboutit on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → sensitive senses, angry dad

Summary → For the first time, Peter stays the night to wake up with you in the morning and not leave early, but you're used to your crazy house, Peter's senses aren't.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

There weren't many things better than falling asleep in your boyfriend's arms. Well, one thing, and that would be waking up in his arms. Peter made it a routine, go on patrol, see you, cuddle, sleep, and wake up before your family gets up in the morning. This time though, he came in, and after you patched him up, he was extra tired and cuddly. When you laid down to cuddle, you couldn't think of ever leaving his arms.

"Hey, Peter," you say quietly, your voice soft, somewhere between awake and asleep as you lay with your body curled up to his. "Yeah?" He responds softly. Both of you had your eyes closed, drowning in each other's body heat and comfort. "Will you stay longer this time? Until morning," you ask. "Are you sure? What about your family?" He tightens his arms around you, pulling you closer. "It's ok. They don't have a reason to come in. Just stay, ok?" You say softly, slowing drifting with each word. "Ok." And with that, you both fell asleep.

Whenever Peter usually woke up to leave, he'd always shake you lightly, letting you wake up enough to see him off, giving a few kisses before he left. But this time, time passed, and he stayed. The time he usually would've been gone wasn't. He laid in bed with you, holding you in his arms as you both peacefully slept.

Around 7 am is when your house became more lively. Your dad got up for work, your mom was already up, but now they were talking to each other, plus the blaring of your brother's alarm for school. You and Peter's first class wasn't until 10:30, so your alarm isn't due to go off for a while. You were used to the noise, dealing with it every day, so you slept through it. It made Peter stir a little, but he's back to sleep in seconds.

One thing about your house in the morning is your dad. When your dad gets ready, he uses a spray deodorant that is so strong, you and your mom hate it. Whenever he sprayed it, you could literally feel it on your tongue. It made your throat tingle, and you basically choked on the scent. Because of that, you always asked him when he used it to use it in the bathroom, so you didn't smell it as much, but your dad being your dad, didn't care, and if someone else were using the bathroom, he would use it in the hallway, letting it spread to all the bedrooms.

Since your door was closed, it didn't faze you, you're also kind of gotten used to it. But Peter's enhanced sense of smell picked up on it quickly. His eyes shot open, and he went into a coughing fit. He sat up, gasping for air, tears in his eyes as his hand clawed at his throat as if the scent was literally wrapped around his throat and choking him. You felt him move but didn't react until you heard him coughing uncontrollably.

You quickly sat up, leaning to look at him and see what happened. His eyes fell on yours, a look that was calling for help. "Can't breathe. I c-can't breathe." He was wheezing, gasping for air and heaving all at the same time. Peter rolled off the bed, stumbling to the window and trying to open it. You rushed up, opening it for him and helping him stick his head out the window for air.

"Y/n , honey are you o-" your dad enters the room, wanting to make sure you're ok after hearing the coughing, but pausing at the sight of a half-naked boy with his head hanging out of your window. You cursed under your breath, glancing at your dad but keeping your attention on Peter, rubbing his bareback as he takes in large amounts of the brisk New York air.

While standing there, and because the door is open, you get a whiff of the deodorant, the scent leaking in from the hallway, and it all starts to click. You barley could smell the spray without usually coughing at least twice, and Peter, with his enhanced senses, probably smelled it right away, much strong at that, he's having a reaction to it.

"Dad! Why'd you spray that stuff in the hallway?" You glance back at him, and concern is written over your face as you turn back to Peter, continuing to rub his back and watch his face, hoping he's ok. "I think I should be asking the questions young lady. Who is he, and why is he in your room?"

You weren't looking at him, but you can tell he has an angry look and is fuming. You don't answer right away, trying to come up with a response that didn't get Peter killed, which is unlikely. You hear more footsteps approaching your door and then hear, "Woahhh, Y/n snuck in a boy? Nice knowing ya, Y/n/n," you hear your brother snickering.

Peter started shifting, breathing normally again. He catches your attention when he pushes against the window, trying to bring his head back into the room. You help him inside, and he leans against the wall, sliding to the ground and looking up at your dad and brother, staring at the scene in front of them.

"Parker?! You snuck in, Parker?!?!? Oh, this keeps getting better and better," your brother laughs. "Y/n. You have 2 seconds to explain. Who is this boy?" Your dad's voice was frightening calm.

You look at Peter for a few more seconds, rubbing your hand down his arm as he pants lightly, still trying to regain his composure. "He's my boyfriend," you say softly, "He has a...sensitive...sense of smell and reacted to your spray."

It's silent for a few seconds. Peter continues evening out his breathing, sitting on your floor with his eyes closed and his head leaning back against the wall. "Dad, we weren't doing anything. He comes sometimes, and we sleep. That's all we do, sleep. I swear." You spoke up after a few seconds, the silence in the room killing you, and you could see your dad plotting Peter's murder in the back of his mind.

"And how did he get in my house?" He speaks through clenched teeth. You bite your lip, glancing at Peter, who was still in his own world. When you still don't answer, your dad nods, taking in a long breath. "Ok. Ok. So you're grounded missy, and we will talk about this when I get back from work." He turns and leaves, your brother still standing at the door smiling like an idiot, but he eventually walks away laughing.

You let out a sigh, bringing your hand up to run through Peter's messy hair. "I'm sorry," he says quietly. "No, no, Peter, it's not your fault. That stupid spray. Are you feeling alright?" you ask. "That's like I was drowning in it. It was literally choking me," he says. "I'm so sorry. Hate that stuff too. I can't imagine what it was like for you." He hums, tilting his head more into your hand and opening his eyes slowly.

"I'll talk to him. Now that he knows, maybe I'll be able to convince him we genuinely like to cuddle, and you're not in here blowing my back out every night," you smile, and Peter laughs. Peter pushes himself up, shuffling to your bed and sitting down. "I can still smell it, but it's going away, I'll just have to get used to it, and my senses won't react as bad." Peter gives you a smile and pulls on his shirt, taking another breath before standing.

After you get dressed, you both head out for your classes, earning a few more laughs from your brother before he leaves for his. You and Peter talk, and you tell him you'll text him with whatever you end up coming up with your dad, hoping he doesn't completely lose it on you when he gets home. All you can do is hope he levels with you. There's no way you'll soundly sleep without being in Peter's arms.

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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