Baby Spider ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer spidernerdsblog on Tumblr

Parings → Dad! Peter Parker x Mom! Reader

Warnings → Fluff, a bit of panicked reader

Summary → Your son seems to have inherited his dad's powers.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

You swayed in the middle of the nursery humming a soft tune to your almost two year old boy in your arms. Ben had his head nestled on your shoulder as he suckled on his thumb in his sleep. Making sure not to wake him up you gently laid him down on his crib and pulled the blanket over him.

You stood there taking your time fawning over your baby boy who was growing way too fast to your liking. It feels like yesterday after twenty two hours of labor the nurse had handed him to you wrapped in a soft blanket. Peter, who was there beside you the whole time had tears in his eyes when he held him for the first time. He had kissed you as he told you how much he loves you both and thanked you for giving him the most precious gift of his life. And now you chase your little man around the apartment as he runs wild on his little legs.

"My sweet boy." You cooed leaving a soft kiss on his forehead.

You have taken up a work from home job so that you can take care of Ben as you sit down on your computer to reply to your mails and get some work done.

Peter returned from his job after some time as you walked out to the living room.

"Hey," he pressed a soft kiss on your lips.

"How was your day?" You asked, grabbing his coat and hanging it on the rack.

"Good for once, Mr. Jameson was in a good mood today."

"Shocking!" You gasped in mock surprise.

"I know." Peter chuckled. "Leave all that, how was your day? And where's my boy?"

"Just the usual stuff." You shrugged. "Ben is taking a nap but I should go and check on him. It's almost his dinner time."

"Yeah you go, I'll freshen up and start with preparing the dinner."

Since day one of your marriage, Peter has been quite adamant to make dinner every night and you let him, 'cause apart from the delicious food he looked like a wet dream when he worked around the kitchen, especially shirtless. And why would you deny yourself from such a view?

"Ben?" You twisted the door knob and walked inside the nursery to find the crib empty. "Oh my god! Peter!"

Peter had just finished changing into his t-shirt and sweats when your panicked shriek made him rush to you. "Y/N, what happened?! Are you alright?!"

"Ben is missing Peter!!" You said with panic stricken eyes.


"I-I had put him in his crib, he was sleeping but now he is nowhere." your chin trembled, a sob breaking out of you.

"Baby, calm down." Peter touched your shoulders.

"Peter, where did he go? He's so small, he can't get out of the crib on his own." You blubbered as fear gripped on to you. "What if someone took him knowing that you're Spider-Man?"

"That's impossible honey. We will find him, don't worry." He kissed the top of your head reassuringly as he thought of what he should do. And just then the familiar sound of giggles of your baby boy reached your ears. Both you and Peter quickly jerked your heads up and your eyes went wide. Your toddler on his fours sticking on to the ceiling.

"Holy shit!" Peter cursed under his breath as you cried out, "Ben!"

"Mama." He said with a gummy smile on his face.

"Baby how did you get up there? Come down to mama, it's not safe." You raised your arms in the air towards him.

"Y/N, he doesn't know how the powers work." Peter whispered in your ears.

"This is all your fault!" You turned to him accusingly.

"My fault?? There was a fifty percent chance of him inheriting the spider genes and you knew that." He argued.

"I don't know anything," you shook your head petulantly. "Just bring down our son from up there right now!"

"Ok, ok relax, I'll get him."

"Stay right there sweetie, daddy will come to you." You cooed to your son who was looking down at you with his big brown eyes and then turned to Peter who was still standing by your side. "Peter! What are you waiting for? Get on the ceiling!"

"God you're so bossy." Peter hopped up on his feet, his fingers sticking to the ceiling as he got on to his hands and knees and slowly crawled towards Ben.

Ben, too small to understand, thought his father was playing with him and crawled away giggling. "Dada, no catch me."

Your heart was in your throat as you watched Peter reach for your baby boy as he crawled away further.

"Ben, wait." Peter said.

"Ben, my sweet boy please don't move. You'll get hurt." You tried, standing in the middle of the room helplessly. But he didn't listen and moved to the edge of the ceiling and started to crawl down the wall. You quickly crossed the room and stood near the wall. As soon as Ben came in your arms length you scooped him in your arms.

"Oh god." You smothered his face with kisses. "Don't you ever do that again." A single tear sliding down your cheek.

"Mama, no cry," Ben wiped your tears with his small hand as Peter dropped down on his feet by your side.

"You really scared us buddy." Peter patted his head gently.

"I'm hungwee." Ben said, pouting out his bottom lip.

"I know my baby spider, let's go. I made your favorite dino nuggies." You smiled.

"Nuggies! Yum, yum." He squealed in excitement, making both you and Peter laugh.

"Yes and no more crawling on the ceiling." You said.

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