Shower Question ☆

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer spideyyeet on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Avenger!Reader

Warnings → language, fluff, nudity, online classes?

Summary →"Where the girl's boyfriend's in the shower and she walked in the shower with clothes and asked him a question" trend with Peter.

          。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚★

Your eyes were trained on Peter all day. He didn’t take a shower yesterday so you were 99.9% sure he was gonna take one today.

“Morning baby.” Peter's voice raspy as he stretched beside you, burying his face in your neck.

“Mornin.” You sighed with a smile, closing your phone as you hugged Peter. “Gonna take a shower?” You blurted. You just wanted to make the tiktok so badly. You’ve seen it soooo many times on your for you page and you have to make one before the trend dies.

“Do I smell bad? Fuck.” Peter grumbled, pulling away. You instantly shook your head pulling him back.

“No—you smell fine. I just wanted to know if you needed to uh—to uh use the bathroom before me?” You quickly said, Peter humming as he closed his eyes.

“No I’m fine, you can use it.” He said snuggling under the covers as you ran your hand through his hair.

“Thought you needed to use the bathroom?” He mumbled after you didn’t move, eyes still closed.

“Oh yea.” You said, ripping yourself away from him with a pout having to go through with this lie so he wouldn’t suspect anything.

Peter woke up a few hours later, he’d been up finishing his stupid essay to submit. He hated online classes, not because he misses school, no fuck no- he’d rather stay here then be there, but fuck the teachers were actual demons. Fucking psychos assigning so much shit work.

Peter yawned, stretching his body before standing up and walking into your bathroom and washing himself up. He grabbed his hoodie and sweats before making his way out.

“It’s about time.” Bucky said as Peter came into the kitchen.

“Pancakes just came out.” Sam said as he washed the dishes.

“Mm thanks.” Peter hummed grabbing a plate of pancakes before sitting on the stool on the island beside you.

“Sleep alright?” You said as you passed him the syrup.

“Yea, thanks for letting me sleep in.” Peter hummed, leaning over to kiss below your ear making your body scrunch up with a smile.

“Gaggggggg.” Bucky and Sam said in union, both fake gagging, making Peter roll his eyes as you tossed a pancake at them. Bucky caught it and put it in his mouth.

“Whatcha wanna do today?” You asked as you watched Peter eat.

“Dunno. What do you wanna do?” Peter asked licking the syrup off his lips.

“Dunno.” You answered making Peter hum. You both finished eating and made your way to the living room and watching whatever Nat had put on the TV. She claimed the TV for the past four days which was driving Bucky and Sam crazy because she was just watching re-runs of The Bachelor.

“Hey Pete, do you want a soda?” You asked from the kitchen.

“Yea, Thanks!” Peter called out looking back at the TV. Then your eyes sparkled. You bit your lip as you looked at the back of Peter’s head then the soda in your hand.

You began shaking the soda uncontrollably--

“Woah.” Tony said as he walked by you. “What’s goin on here?” He said grabbing another coffee.

“Nothin, just-- that's good enough.” You said before jogging over to Peter and handing him the soda from over his shoulder.

“Thanks babe.” Peter hummed opening the soda-- “Fuck!” He exclaimed, the soda gushing out onto him.

“Shit Peter.” You said playing it off. Tony chuckled from the kitchen before going back to the lab. “Think you need a shower.” You said causing Peter to groan.

“I can just change my clothe-”

“No.” You said shaking your head in disapproval. “You need a shower, the soda is all sticky and you didn't take a shower yesterday. Just go take a shower.” You said. Peter sighed before standing up and heading down to his room for a shower.

You bit your lip waiting a couple minutes before running down to his room. You didn’t really care how Bucky raised his brows. You needed to take a video.

You heard the shower running as you came into the room, his bathroom door slightly opened. You licked your lips as you set your recording phone down on the counter.

“Um I’ve got a question for you.” You said, looking at the glass, the torso down foggy and blurred.

“Yea?” Peter hummed, washing his hair.

“Wanna come ask you somethin-” you said sliding the glass door and stepping inside the shower fully clothed, the door sliding closed behind you. “Um-” Peter broke out laughing as he watched you get soaked in your t-shirt and sweats.


“I just wanted to know what you uh wanted for dinner- Sam is taking requests.” You said as Peter rinsed the shampoo out of his hair.

“Uhh, what do you want?” He asked, looking at you with a smirk.

“I dunno, that's why I came in here and asked you.” You said making Peter laugh, his hands coming up to cup your face.

“You're adorable.” He said losing sight of the question as your cheeks tinted pink because of the hot water.

“Peterr answer the question, I’m wet.” You said causing Peter to hum biting his lip.

“Wanna take these clothes off baby, wanna see how wet you really ar-” You gasped swatting Peter’s shoulder.

“Peter!” You broke out into a fit of laughter as you opened the shower door.

“Nooo don’t leave, I’m lonely.” Peter pouted as he tried to grab your hand. You were almost gonna fall because of how much you're laughing. “Whyyy??” Peter whined when you pulled away.

“I’m making a tiktok.” You answered grabbing your phone stopping the recording.

“Oh my god.” Peter groaned rubbing his face against the glass. “You didn’t want me.” Peter pouted smooshing his face.

“That’s why I shook the soda.” You said with a wink before running away when you heard Peter’s loud gasp.

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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