Cute Sweater ✵

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer spideyzgirl on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Avenger!Reader

Warnings → smut, unprotected sex (don't do this irl pls & ty) cussing, dirty talk, minors dni <3

Summary →What's a better way to have fun in a car with the cutest boy in the world?

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

Being Tony Stark meant you could buy whatever the hell you want and brag about it for days on end.

When he offered to take you and Peter on a ride in his brand new car he bought on impulse, you were forced to say yes, only so he could shut up about it.

That's how you became trapped in a car, waiting for Tony to come from a meeting he forgot he was supposed to attend.

"Peterrrrrr, I'm bored." You sighed dramatically. You looked at him from the backseat, he was slouched in his seat with his arms folded and his eyes shut.

"I'm sorry, I can't help you." he shrugged. "We're in the same boat. Or should I say car?"

"That was painfully unfunny." You rolled your eyes.

The heat from being trapped inside was starting to get to you, making your head swarm with naughty ideas. "Let's do something fun." You smirked.

"Something fun? Like what? What could we possibly get up to in here?"

You crawled up to the front, landing right on Peter's lap, bringing your hands to his shoulders.

His eyes shot open when he felt you pressed against him. He looked at you like you were crazy when it finally registered with him what you were suggesting by the devilish smirk on your lips.

"No, no." Peter shook his head. "We are not doing that in here. Not in this car at least."

"Oh come on, where's the harm in a little fun?" You purred. You planted kisses over his neck and collarbone, nipping and sucking at the sensitive flesh.

"Oh- Y/n! Mr. Stark could come back at any moment, we- we can't..." it was getting harder and harder for him to resist you. He shut his eyes and tilted his head back, his grip on your hips tightened as he finally gave in to you.

"Okay, fine!" Your lips abruptly left him as you started moving off of him, making him whine. "If you really don't want to do this, I won't force you-"

"No, wait!" He grabbed your hips, pulling you into his lap again. "Just- Just be quick okay?"

You nodded, and bit your lip to hide your excitement. You pulled his pants down just enough to expose his boxers.

"Wait, we don't have protection..." You pouted at the realization.

"We don't have time, I need you now." He rasped.

You hovered over him bunching your already short skirt up and moving your panties to the side. You took his throbbing cock in your hand, teasing your entrance ever so slowly. Peter whined and squirmed under you. He bucked his hips, silently begging you to fuck him.

You wasted no time slamming yourself down on him, throwing your head back as you maintained a hasty pace. Your nails dug into his shoulders at the feeling of his tip hitting the sweet spot just right.

The car shook ferociously as you bounced on him, letting anyone walking by know what you were getting up to. At least the windows are tinted.

Peter's face was scrunched in complete pleasure as he tipped his head back and squeezed his eyes shut. His mouth hung open, letting out the most obscene noises you've ever hear from him.

"Look at you, look at how good my pussy fucks you. Gonna be a good boy and c-cum for me baby?"

He was so lost in the pleasure you were giving him, he could only moan in response. You clenched around him, drawing curses from him. "I asked you a question, babe."

"Y-yes I'm so close baby, please- please don't stop, fuck-"

The car filled with your loud moans and the sounds of your skin colliding with each bounce. You pressed your hand against the window, leaving a print against the already foggy windows.

Your next move was unexpected. You pulled the lever on the seat, pushing Peter back as you pressed your chest against his. You rolled your hips against his and you had to bite your lip to keep from screaming out at the new angle.

Peter kissed you sloppily, your tongues exploring each other's mouths, teeth clashing from time to time. "I'm so close Pete, gonna cum all over your cock." You moaned. He slapped your ass cheeks before gripping them, encouraging you to let go.

"Y/n I'm cumming, get off quick." He whimpered.

"Just a little more, I'm s-so fucking close." You rested your head against his chest, feeling the knot in your stomach threatening to come undone.

A few more rocks of your hips, and you both came hard. You cried out as your body shook, releasing all over him like you had promised. You were still rolling your hips slowly, riding out your orgasms. Peter groaned as he shot his load inside of you, filling you with his seed.

You laid your head on his chest and slowed your hips to a stop, trying to control your breathing again. He rested his chin on top of your head as his own chest heaved. Peter rubbed a hand up and down your back lovingly.

You sat up after a few minutes. You looked down in between you both, smiling at how his cum was starting to leak out of you. Peter sat up now too, smoothing down your hair and your clothes.

"I like your sweater, it's very cute." He smiled at you innocently.

"Oh, thank you! It's new."

"Hey, we should probably clean up a bit." He suggested.

You nodded. "Yeah, we should probably air this thing out too." You rolled down the window, gasping once you saw Tony on his way back to the car.

"Oh, fuck me." You whispered.

"Again? Alright, I'm down-" Peter shrugged.

"No, you horny bitch. Mr. Stark's on his way back." You sighed.

You both struggled to make yourselves look normal again in such a short time, but you somehow managed it.

"Wow, that was boring as shit. Sorry that took so long." Tony sighed as he got inside. He looked at Peter who avoided eye contact with him. Tony frowned at his odd behavior, and the smell of the car.

"Fuck, it smells like armpits and gorilla balls in here." He rolled down all the windows. "Ok, you guys ready to go on that ride?"

You smirked as you and Peter made eye contact through the side view mirror.

"I've had my fill."

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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