Mrs. Parker ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer spidernerdsblog on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Stark!Reader

Warnings → none

Summary → Peter accidentally calls the reader Mrs. Parker but she likes it.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

Being an avenger, a peaceful day where any miscreant isn't committing any crime or a supervillain isn't trying to destroy your city is very rare for you and Peter. So when you finally get a day off from your superhero duties you try to spend as much time as possible with your sweet geeky boyfriend but today you had a special company. You were on babysitting duty for your little sister while your parents were away on a two day business trip to DC you may also call it a romantic getaway.

You loved Morgan more than anything. Ever since you came back from the blip you tried to be there for her making up for the five years you missed of her growing up. She was the sweetest child you have ever met who loved to play with her dollhouses and do imaginary tea parties with you and Peter and her stuffed bunnies but the thing that interests her more is to watch and observe you or your dad working in the lab. Many times you have caught her sneaking into the lab and examining the gadgets with curious eyes.

She was also the biggest shipper of you and Peter. She hated it the time when you and Peter weren't together and dated different people because for her you two were the it couple. She used to look at you both with such admiration in her eyes that she went to the extent of saying that she wanted a boyfriend just like Peter when she grew up.

You were in the lab with Peter helping him with his new webfluid formula while Morgan was sitting on a chair beside you swinging her legs lazily when you heard her sigh out loud.

"What happened Maguna?" You ask her softly.

"I'm bored, when are you going to finish this?" She pouts at you.

"But you only said you didn't want to play instead you wanted to come in the lab," you remind her.

"Yes but I also wanted to help," she retorts knitting her brows into a frown.

"Don't you think you are too small for this?" You narrowed your gaze at her playfully.

"You and dad never let me do anything!" She huffs getting off her seat frowning at you annoyed.

"Don't give me that look little miss you know that isn't gonna work on me."

"Now you sound just like mom," she complains.

"Well she left you under my supervision," you try to reason her out when Peter interrupts both of you.

"Ok, ok, ok how about we go for a walk in the park?" Peter proposes the idea to Morgan.

"Can I have an ice cream?" She looks at him with doe eyes before you could say no, that it was bad for her teeth Peter cut you off.

"Sure kiddo," he crouches down with a broad smile and ruffles her hair.

"Petey you're the best!" She squeals, hugging him tightly.

"You really need to stop giving into her every demand," you snicker.

"How can you say no to this face?" He reasons chuckling.

"Ok now c'mon let's go and get dressed then we can go to the park," you held Morgan's hand and went back to your room while Peter cleared the working area in the lab and arranged everything in its place before you all went out. After sometime you walked out of your room with Morgan hand in hand and headed towards the lab.

"Are you ready Mr. Parker?" You called out sarcastically.

"Of course Mrs. Parker," he replies, taking you by surprise with the name he just called you.

"What did you say?" You mumble as he swipes his ID card through the security panel to lock the door.

"Huh, what?" He asks you again as he couldn't catch on to your mumbling clearly.

"Uh nothing," you shrugged it off thinking maybe he just casually said that he wasn't being serious.

"Why did you call Y/N Mrs. Parker? She didn't marry you," Morgan points out innocently with a confused expression.

"Morgan!" You gasped and Peter realized his slip up as his face turned red flustered.

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't want to make you uncomfortable," he immediately apologizes nervously.

"You didn't, don't worry," you reassure him with a smile "but did you mean it?" You reassert.

"Mean what?" He gulps nervously.

"You know you and and" You fidgeted.

"Umm yea-yeah," he scratches the back of his neck "I love you and I do want to marry you and spend my life with you Y/N," he remarks.

"You want to marry me?" You repeat his words in disbelief. In your whole relationship neither you nor Peter never actually confessed to each other about your feelings; it was a smooth transition for you two. Only the label of your relationship changed from friends to lovers but everything remained the same. So the topic of your future together never was a part of your daily conversation and now after knowing that he actually wants to spend the rest of his life with you makes your heart bloom with warmth and joy.

"I mean not now but someday in the future. But only if you want to of course," he stutters thinking he might have messed up.

"Aww Peter, I would love to marry you," you cup his face with your hands and press your lips gently against his as he kisses you back.

"I love you," you smile into the kiss pressing your foreheads together.

"I love you too," he mumbles against your lips.

"Are you and Petey getting married?" Morgan's curious voice breaks you both out of your little moment.

"Not now sweetie but surely in the future," you inform her with a smile as Peter blushes standing by your side.

"Can I be the flower girl on you wedding Y/N? And, and can I choose your wedding dress and cake?" She asks you innocently her eyes gleaming with excitement making you smile even more.

"Flower girl? Honey you're going to be my bridesmaid and yes you can choose my dress and cake but for now let's just go to the park and have some ice cream yeah?"

"Yess!" She exclaims and rushes to the elevator as you and Peter follow her. At the park you were strolling side by side behind Morgan keeping an eye on her.

"So Mrs. Parker huh?" You ponder while eating your ice cream.

"You can totally keep your name no pressure at all," Peter clarifies quickly.

"Nah I like Mrs. Parker better," you smile linking your hands together.

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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