My Kind Of Woman ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer silkscream on Tumblr

Parings → Jock! Popular! Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → underage drinking, mentions of sex, tooth-rotting fluff

Summary → You sneak out of your house to see your boyfriend.

          。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚★

Your mother would kill you right now if she saw you.

Sure, you’d taken gymnastics when you were a child, so you could hold your balance and you were flexible enough. You didn’t believe Peter when he praised you for that with a wink, to which your face would heat up automatically. You were no gymnast anymore, so god forbid, if you were to fall off the ladder from this fire scape right now, you figure that you’ll just blame your boyfriend for your inevitable death. At least Peter knows what music to play at your funeral.

“Hmph,” you huff, when you kick your legs up to the platform, tangled limbs crossing over one another as if you’re on a jungle gym.

It’s even more nerve-wracking that you aren’t dressed for the athletic occasion — Dr. Marten boots and a skater skirt didn’t do much to help your case except flashing your ass to whatever poor soul decided to stalk through the alleyway below Peter’s building.

Although you were frustrated, the thrill of the night did catch up to your romanticized visions of teenage adventure. All thanks to your jock boyfriend. It was cliche — Peter managed to climb the social ladder by joining the basketball team last year and was bizarrely good for someone who’d always gotten picked on in middle school for his geekish puns and awkward lankiness. He was still the nerd, always at the top of his class, but girls looked at him differently than they used to during freshman year.

You, on the other hand, have always kept to yourself. You had MJ to thank for introducing you to Peter. After a party eight months ago, Peter decided to take you home after he found you drunk, cooped up by yourself in Flash’s bedroom slashing his shirts with scissors. It served him right for making a pass at you and allowing one of his henchmen to slur misogynistic remarks right after.

Peter admired your courage (despite it being born out of pettiness), and also your face, so naturally, he kissed you at your doorstep. He’s been attached to your hip ever since.

“Babe!” A hushed shriek above you. You look up to see a familiar mop of brown curls and a thin-lipped smile beaming at you like he was the sun itself. “You’re doing really good, c’mon!”

You sigh and make your way up the stairs to your boyfriend. However, in a typical klutz manner, your untied shoelace gets stuck in between the railing and you slip off the step you’re on. Within milliseconds, your arched back snaps up like an elastic band when Peter’s web shoots itself to your abdomen and reels you up to his window.

“What the fuck? That was scarier than if I’d just fallen. There was a platform below me, you know,” you hiss at Peter.

The boy is blushing pink and cringing.

“Thanks, Spider-Man,” you kiss his cheek.

“This isn’t supposed to be how you found out,” Peter tells you. You shrug.

“Oh no, I already knew.” You chuckle at the bewildered look on Peter’s face.

“You told me two days ago when you were drunk. You were like, ‘oh I’m soooo happy to have you, baby, even when I’m a sticky boy. I’m your sticky boy. I should web you up to my bed.’ And I was like, what are you talking about, and you weren’t listening to me and kept going on about in bed you could role-play as Spider-Man if I wanted and—“

“Okay, okay, I get it!” Peter scolds, bringing a hand up to cover your mouth. He seems to be sweating from embarrassment. “Jesus christ.”

“You gotta watch that dirty mouth, Parker. You might accidentally dox yourself,” you tease.

Before you can taunt him any further, Peter ushers you into his room and onto his bed. At the contact of his lips, you trail your fingers down the freckles adorning his jaw down to his collarbone. You sigh into his mouth like he’s the remedy to your thirst.

He descends down to the sweet spot on your neck, nose buried in your hair.

“Hmmuhmmmuphf,” he muffles into your skin.


“Said I missed you.” He clears his throat and runs a hand across your scalp. “What’d you tell your mom?”

“MJ’s house for a project. She even called my mom for me.”

“Woooooow,” Peter muses, raising his eyebrows. “You little delinquent.”

“You’re kind of a bad influence on me.” You let out a small noise like that of a kitten’s when you feel Peter bite on your earlobe.

“You love it.”


“And I'm down on my hands and knees, beggin’ you please, baby, show me your world,” Peter sings along to the low speaker on his desk while he plays with your hair.

The twang of the guitar and the sight of your boyfriend singing along makes your heart flutter. Unsure of what to do with your hands, you play with one of Peter’s hoodie strings as he snakes an arm over your waist. Sometimes you forget that you can touch him when he looks the way he does — sharp jaw and crooked nose and porcelain skin.

“Whatcha thinkin’ about?” Peter asks.

Sometimes it scares me how much I love you.

“You’re really fucking cute, is all,” you breathe. His face breaks into a smug smile.

“You’re cuter. Especially when you smile. I feel like your mood is kind of down tonight, baby.” Before you can respond, your breath hitches at the feeling of Peter’s large hand under your shirt. He quickly squeezes your love handles with his slender fingers, roaming your body with a feathery-light touch that makes your heart beat faster.

Your synapses are on fire… but not in a sexy way.

“Peter nonononono,” you cry out, putting a hand over your mouth so not to yell. Eventually, Peter’s body hovers over you completely, hands attacking your hips and your ribcage. Your face warms up with giggles as your body squirms.

“Quick question, if you could fuck any Avenger, who would it be?”

“Black Widow!” You shriek, howling in laughter. Peter looks at you with furrowed brows and a babyish pout.

“I’m supposed to be your favorite spider!” He retaliates to your comment by biting on your neck while still tickling, knee inching closer to your center. You shake with both arousal and hurried panic from the half-assed wrestling match.

“You have one more chance!”

“Okayokayokayokay OKAY I MEANT SPIDER-MAN!”

Immediately, Peter stops. Your chest moves up and down as you breathe heavily. Peter rewards you with a chaste kiss on your forehead.

“Aw, thank you, sweetheart,” Peter coos. He lays beside you and attacks your jaw with tiny pecks. Squirming out of his grasp, you turn Peter over so that you’re straddling his lap and pinning his arms down. You get close enough to his face to see his dilated pupils and the messy little hairs of his raised brows.

“I’m gonna kill you with your own web-shooters one day.”

“I’d like to see you try.”

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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