Pretty Hands ☆

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer spideyyeet on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → language, fluff, mentions of fingering

Summary →You can't help but take a tik tok video of Peter's hands while he talks to Bucky, and Peter gets flustered.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

You bit your lip as you watched Peter rest his back against the glass fence on the porch, while talking to Bucky and Sam about-if your being honest you weren't paying attention.


Oh maybe because your boyfriend has the most gorgeous hands ever. Your cheeks flushed just knowing what he can do with those hands, and those fingers.

Peter continued talking, moving his hands around and playing with his fingers. Just last night those fingers were touching your most intimate parts.

Biting your lip, you sat up, leaning against your hands on the grass as you open up your phone trying to get your mind off these dirty thoughts. Bucky and Sam arguing while Peter laughed. Your eyes catching his hand run through his curls, before he licked his lip. God this boy is killing you!

It didn't help either when you saw a video on tik tok about a guys hands. They were beautiful, but then your eyes looked back and Peter intertwining his hands and playing with his watch-nothing compared to his though.

You bit the inside of your cheek, before you clicked on the sound and just started talking a random horny ass tik tok of Peter Parker's hands. The same hands he touches you with. The same hands that go up and down your body. The same hands that you suck on.

You held your breath as you watched Peter fix his sweats before yelling at Bucky and laughing. Your ears were completely zoned out, the only thing you see was his hands. His hands oh my fucking god.

"Y/n-" a voice interrupted your thoughts. Your video ending as you looked up at Peter. His brows furrowed as he watched you look down at his hands then at his face. "You good?" He asked, and you hummed.

"What were you taking a video of?" Bucky asked, and you bit your lip looking at Peter.

"Uh-just know." You laughed, rubbing your face, but that was a bad idea because Sam was snatching your phone seeing the tik tok you posted seconds ago. And the little caption that said 'pretty hands'

"Pretty hands!!!" Sam shrieked, laughing his ass off as you bit your lip laughing, hearing Bucky fall over laughing. Peter's brows furrowed, and he crawled over wanting to laugh too. But when he saw his hands in the video, his eyes went wide, cheeks turning bright pink.

"Oh my god y/n!" Bucky laughed, looking at Peter and holding his hands up. Peter bit his lip as his ear turned pink too once he saw you staring at him.

"I'm done, you kids will find anything to make you horny." Sam said handing your phone back before getting up as Bucky continued to laugh.

You bit your lip watching as the two avengers go inside, leaving you and Peter. "Your so needy." He said, cheeks bright pink slightly flustered by the video you posted of his hands. You bit your lip crawling over and straddling his thighs.

"I um-I couldn't help it-you have pretty hands." You said taking his hands in yours as you traced his veins with the pads of your fingers.

"Hmm," Peter hummed kissing your cheek, then down the side of your neck, sucking softly as his hands came up, running his thumb under your bottom lip. "I guess last night wasn't enough, was it?" He smiled cheekily, biting his lip when you took his thumb in your mouth, sucking softly.

You shook your head no, eyes trained on Peter as he smiled. He hummed, pulling his thumb out, before helping you up.

Peter smiled, holding your hand and leading you inside. "Let's go take care of you then."

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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