Twenty Bucks ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer deathbyathousandspiders on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → mentions of blood/wounds, cursing, angst, fluff, hurt reader.

Summary → The avengers had their theories about your and Peter's secret pining, but it wasn't until a mission went wrong that they realized how serious it was.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

Peter had been counting the minutes since you two started dating. It had been twenty months since you joined the Avengers, seventeen months since he realized how hard he'd fallen for you, nine months since you first kissed, and eight and a half months since you started your relationship.

It was though it all happened yesterday. Everything felt like it happened so fast; yet on the other hand, everything felt like it hadn't even happened at all.

Tony Stark had scolded Peter about the difficulties of dating an Avenger, and what harm that would do to their reputation, how the government would respond, the amount of paperwork the two of you would have to fill out...blah blah blah.

Despite how often their teammates teased them, or encouraged the other to make a move, you two decided to keep your relationship a secret.

Hiding a relationship from the Avengers wouldn't be too difficult. At least, that's what you told him. It certainly added some adrenaline to your dynamic; the secret hand holds under the table at meetings, side-eyed conversations across the room, fucking in the storage closet as quietly as possible, the little things.

You made it all worth the risk. That is, until he remembered what the real risk of dating an Avenger really was.

Peter practically flew off the ground with how fast he ran towards you. His ears rang, deafening him from how quiet the world fell around him as he kept himself focused on your limp figure. The glossing breeze over his suit felt numbing, especially as he tripped and slid on his knees til he was finally able to take you in his arms.

"Baby.." He broke the silence, shaky fingers grazed your arm as he rolled your body over. "Babe, we-" Quick to examine you, his eyes fell wide at the large gash in your abdomen. Blood pooled out through your suit from the glass lodged in your stomach, still poking out of your skin. Peter swallowed thickly, trying to keep himself from panicking.

The entire world stopped moving.

His entire world stopped moving.

Everything ran cold.

Peter didn't know what happened. He didn't know how he could've let this happen. One second, you were assigned to keep watch in the abandoned foyer, and the next? Peter left you for what felt like two seconds to kick a grimy dude's ass or two, and there you were: unconscious and bleeding out.

"Kid? Squirt?" Tony asked through the earpiece intercoms, referring to both Peter and his unconscious girlfriend. As startling as the sudden voice was, Peter needed it to ground him back to the present. "Do you kids copy?"

It took everything in Peter to keep his lip from quivering. He nearly forgot to answer with how clouded his thoughts were. Cradling you carefully in his arms, he adjusted his grip to fumble over the earpiece. "We need a medic!!" Peter exclaimed, taking in as deep of a breath as he could muster, "Y/N's unresponsive-"

You laid cold in Peter's shaky grasp, not moving other than the shuttered lifting and easing of your shoulders with your breath. You were still alive, and Peter tried to cling to that as much as he could. He'd lost too many people. He couldn't bear to lose you, too.

𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 - 𝟓Where stories live. Discover now