Mischief Managed ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer devotion on Tumblr


Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → pretend that the teacher is a little clueless here

Summary → Peter is bored out of his mind during a mandatory meeting and so, drags you out of class.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

Completely devoid of motivation, Peter had given up on giving his attention to the teacher. Although compulsory, the meeting was a completely useless one in which he really didn't need to take part in at all this time. He thought so, anyway. He just really wanted to take you out to Delmar's.

He started to tap his fingers impatiently on the table, tempted to clasp his hand together with yours. But he observed that your attitude towards the class contrasted to his largely. Peter was in nothing but awe as he saw you taking notes even while listening to Mrs. Clynes' monotone voice. He didn't understand how you could do it.

Time dragged on, and as he leaned his head on his palm, he found himself being distracted by you. And you proved to be a very good diversion at that.

An inaudible sigh escaped from his lips as he stared at you (without it looking too creepy, of course), and a little smile adorned his features as he looked at his girl. You: his definition of pretty in all elements and aspects.

Sooner or later, an idea popped into Peter's head. It may have been rash at the time as he certainly paid no heed to the repercussions. Yet, he couldn't care less. You hear Peter whisper beside you as you felt a poke in your sides, "Babe? I'm bored."

"Let's sneak out, Y/N," he declared, his eyebrows furrowed in determination. He didn't need to elaborate on the fact that he was a nobody anyway. Not a single soul except MJ and Ned would spare a glance at you both. What made this little pursuit even better, and possibly successful, was the fact that you actually preferred being rarely noticed.

You both sat at the back of the class and were the only pair on the last row. Peter's head jerked to the side, and his gaze flicked back and forth from the door behind towards you, signaling that he was serious about it.

"No, Peter," you replied firmly.

He groaned lightly at your disagreement, just enough for you to hear, "We know this!"

"Give it time, Pete. She probably might go through something you might not even know."

He scoffed at your response, and you saw how irritated he was. In an attempt to sort of calm him down, your hand found his on the table and took hold of it.

Except you didn't reckon that his grip on your hand would tighten massively. With a rush of adrenaline that coursed through his veins, he dragged you with him and around your chair to the conveniently open door.


Your breath seemed to have been taken away with the sudden force, but before you knew it, you were already out of the classroom. Heart racing at an alarming rate, you sensed Peter's grasp becoming more firm on your hips as he had you against the locker.

You looked at him worriedly while you heavily panted, also keeping an ear out if the teacher would call you back somehow. A few seconds later, Peter's expression relaxed, and his shoulders slackened, a smirk decorating his features as you heard no mention of your names at all.

You felt at ease now that you had control of your breathing. You beamed at him, commenting, "Damn, Peter."

He took the chance to grin at you at that, excited that he had gotten away with what he had done. If it wasn't for the worry that you had just moments ago, you would have noticed the glimmer that Peter held in his eyes. Then, without a second thought, Peter's head turned, closing the little gap between the pair of you to meet your lips with his.

Hands stroking your hips, he found himself fiddling around with the hem of his jumper that you were wearing as you kissed him back, completely loving the feeling of you being dressed in his clothes.

He pulled back not long after.


You chuckled at his excitement. The manner in which Peter looked like a child on christmas made your heart flutter. He somehow had a way of passing on his happiness to you easily.

"Delmar's it is, then."

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 - 𝟓Where stories live. Discover now