Goals ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer devotion on Tumblr


Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → just fluff, few swears

Summary → You and Peter just love napping and messing around.

          。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚★

If there was one thing that you and Peter loved doing together, it was napping. And even then, when your friends, Ned and Mj, came around, you both found it the appropriate time to sleep mid-afternoon, instead of studying as a group. This inevitably left Ned and MJ discussing the upcoming science project that you were meant to be doing together.

Soon enough, the pair felt tired, and because of your antics, only completed the easy part of the assignment, leaving you to the written discourse. And upon thinking, MJ realised they didn't even know what you both could possibly be doing.

“You think we should go upstairs?” Ned asked her, “Kinda want them to get caught ‘doing-the-do’ but actually not physically seeing them because that’s just-"

MJ scrunched her face, setting her hand on Ned's mouth, “Stop there,” she cringed before letting out a sigh and suggested reasonably, “We could slowly walk up the stairs and try to see if we can hear anything but then again, they’re not dumb enough to be doing anything when May and us both are here.”

“We're talking about Y/N and Peter, am I right? Because I lost you at ‘they're not dumb'-”

“Whatever. Just follow me.”

They had reached the doorway to Peter's bedroom, and to Ned's surprise, still couldn’t hear a single sound. MJ smirked.

“Told you.”

But Ned was the one to quietly push the door open. Only to find that you were both sleeping.

Peter’s arm wrapped around your middle and hand on your stomach allowed no space to exist between the two of you. Being pressed against him made your heart flutter and you sunk into the warmth of his side, appreciating the simple gesture of his caresses. His touch made the room warmer somehow and the entirety of your being whole, your future within its walls seeming a little less bleak.

“Awww, they look so adorable.” Ned says.

“It’s actually really not a time for sleeping. If we fail this project, I’m gonna cut Peter's balls o-”

Ned, actually giving in at the endearing situation before him, says, “Let’s leave them, come on.”

And as they did, rolling her eyes, MJ harshly closed the door.

It woke you both up. Through the haze of exhaustion, you feel the bed shift but sleep overtakes you once again as Peter's cool fingers trace across your jaw and you snuggle deeper into the pillow. It doesn’t take long for a chill to overtake your mostly nude body but you’re too tired to care. Your eyes feel heavy when you try to open them and such a simple task becomes seemingly impossible. Moments later, you manage to crack one eye open, making out a body coming closer to you in the bed.

“It’s time to wake up, love bug,” Peter says softly, towering over you on the bed to place a kiss on your forehead. You mumble incoherently, head shaking before you roll away from him and curl back into yourself to fall back asleep.

He smiled and sighed. His hand reached out to the table top beside him for his phone. To find out that his phone was blowing up more than usual. His brows furrowed.

WhatsApp. The group chat consisting of you all, including Betty, flashed on Peter's screen. He opened it, to see a countless number of pictures. Pictures of him and you sleeping.

When did that happen?

MJ: fucking dicks don't know what purpose the night was made for

Betty: y'all are cuteee. I stan

Ned: wrap ole Pete before you grind her meat ;)

Peter choked on air, if that was even possible, at Ned's comment which caught your attention.

“I mean I don’t blame Betty, we do look cute,” you say, looking over his shoulder, earning a soft chuckle from him. You slightly nudged him aside only to get a playful nudge back from him.

Betty: oh, he better be a good boyfriend for you @Y/N 😤

Peter had read that out loud. In turn, you study him, “Are you a good boyfriend though?” He looked alarmed and gave you a look of warning. Sure, you were his first girlfriend, but to think that he was probably doing a terrible job terrified him. You said you loved him, surely-

“Meh, you're alright, I guess…” Peter’s jaw dropped, in which you internally giggled, “You take me out to get ice cream at two in the morning when I feel like I want it... so I probably shouldn’t complain.”

“Oh wow, is that all I get?” Peter asked, and pretended to be offended.

“Shut up, you love me,” you replied absently.

“Sadly, I do,” Peter tittered as his eyes scanned your features. There was something that he loved whenever he woke up next to you, and somehow now was better; every curve of your face and body, cheeks and every imperfection could be seen in the daylight that currently bathed the room.

Snapping out of his little trance, he found it the best time to prod his fingers on your hips, lightly touching the skin and following through to your stomach. It wasn't much sooner that you found yourself being tickled to death, ultimately positioning you under him where he finally stopped and leaving you gulping for air.

“Take it back, Y/N,” his warm breath fanned your neck, making you squeal for the hundredth time already, “Say I'm a good boyfriend.”

You noticed his eyes crinkling at the corners and you placed both hands on either side of his face, stroking his cheeks with your thumbs, “Make me.”

His brows raised at that and you scrunched your nose, still beaming at him.

“Fine,” you whispered, “To the best boyfriend ever, I don't know what I've done to deserve yo-"

Peter's lips settled on yours before you could finish your sentence, inhaling your sweet scent whilst he was kissing you and then, eventually breaking away ever so slightly to say to you,

“And I've got the best girlfriend ever."   
‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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