Rather Be ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer devotion on Tumblr


Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → Mentions of a hangover, swearing, fluff, google translate, college AU

Summary → Peter teaches you how to cook on a date, courtesy of aunt May.

          。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚★

Your day starts quite later than it usually does, at a loss of a good wink of sleep last night because of both the partying and the increasing nervousness for your date today.

Purely by accident, you've slept in till 1 PM, then realizing he, Peter, is supposed to arrive in 4 hours. Yet you don't have the energy to be bothered to look decent enough. You're hoping he wouldn't care; you're friends and study buddies, anyway. And a striking dress isn't exactly fitting to watch Star Wars in.

You've come to learn with time that Peter's a sweet guy, very innocent most of the time and truly cute when he stumbles over his words. The last time he actually did that was at your impromptu star-gazing incident, in which he caught you staring at him. It's not entirely your fault that his eyes sparkle and shine when he rambles about something he's so passionate about. Heck, even if it's physics that you seem to loathe so badly.

It hits 2 PM when you decide you want to shower, after drinking as much water as you can to recover from the hangover. Then, the new change of clothes, only consisting of some sweatpants and a shirt, makes you feel far better than you did in the morning.

From snacks to drinks, everything is set out on the table before Peter arrives, who's expected to be here in twenty minutes. But all thoughts are cut out when you hear the doorbell.


As you open the door, grin widening as you take in his angelic face, he's quick to say, "Hey! Um... I... like being early," ending with a smile that doesn't show his endearingly thin lips.

"It's fine, Peter," you wave him off, "everything's ready, come in."

You bring out your hand to bring him in, instead noticing the two big bags─all of which are things that are clinking and rustling inside.

"Shit. You didn't have to bring so many things, Peter," you moan, "you really didn't have to."

He's already entered your apartment once his face drops, sputtering, "I'm sorry, Y/N, please forgive me. But Aunt May took me to the store for some groceries and also gave me the sex talk whilst we were at it, and to be honest, I didn't want to hear it, let alone think of it in the first place. Like, she was so explicit with a cucumber and an orange, I hated it. I mean I get that we're both virgins but it's just the second date and I don't want you to think that I'm here to─"

"─No, no, no - it's okay, it's okay," you stop him, cheeks warming up at his predicament and the fact that he's rambling again. You try to hide it with a smirk anyway, "Don't worry. I'm gonna make sure you're gonna eat this all with me."

Ten minutes later, The Force Awakens is displayed on the TV, and Peter has already had the pluck to go out of his own way to arrange everything in the kitchen and on the table - given he knows the inner workings of your little place.

The movie starts, everything is fine, and you're really loving how Peter already says an iconic line beforehand, in which he constantly apologizes for. There's a moment where his hand grazes yours too when you reach in for the popcorn, and he flinches immediately at the touch.

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