Couch Confessions ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer spideyyeet on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Avenger!Reader

Warnings → swearing

Summary → Cuddling with Peter after a shit day.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

You grumbled under your breath as you jumped over the couch, slumping down, arms crossed.

Peter crushed the chip in his mouth, slowly looking over at you. He looked over your face. The very evident crease between your brows and annoyance in your eyes. He slid his chips to you, only to have you knock it over by accident.

Peter frowned. Looking at the chips that scattered the living room floor.

"I'm sorry." You mumble, looking over at your friend. Peter chewed the rest of the chips in his hand before licking his fingers and wiping them on his hoodie, making your face scrunch in disgust.

" 's okay, probably needed to stop." Peter shrugs it off.

You scratch your nose, nibbling on the inside of your cheek, Peter noticing the concentration.

"You good?"

"I fucking hate Steve." You grumble in frustration.

Peter turned more towards you, listening to you better. "Why?"

"I hate him." You end it, Peter hums, nodding his head.

"Wanna a hug?" Peter asks, eyes looking at you softly. You turn your head to face him, your eyes flickering to his open arms, the blanket on his lap, the soft green hoodie and black sweats and fluffy socks on him. His ruffled hair and lazy smile.

"Just this once." You mumble, scooting over to him wrapping your arms around his waist, burying your face in his chest as you inhaled his scent. Peter smiled softly, your hair tickling his cheek as he wrapped his arms around you.

When you stayed for awhile, Peter pulled the blanket from between him and laid it over the both of you as he pulled you between his legs. He settled back across the couch as you kept your face buried in his hoodie. Peter twirled your hair around his finger as he watched his show.

You shifted on him, but you didn't pull away. Peter didn't move either. You hated affection and hugs and stuff like that so it was hard for Peter to get close to you, he respected your space and your friendship, but he couldn't deny the fact that holding you now was the best thing that's happened to him since he got recruited.

Your breaths became even as you fell asleep against Peter. Peter bit his lip as he pushed some hair out of your face as he looked at your soft features. The crease between your brows was gone and replaced with a soft expression. Peter yawned as he ran a hand through his hair, the lights from the screen making his eyes heavy.

You woke up the next morning wrapped in warmth. You couldn't help the stupid smile on your lips, as you smelled him, your hands were holding his hoodie in fists. His arm lazily wrapped around you as the other rested behind his head.

Biting your lip, you turned over slightly, resting your chin on his chest. That's when Peter began shifting, inhaling deeply as he groaned, his hand coming from behind him and rubbing his eyes furiously. You watched as Peter's hand fell back behind him and his eyes met yours.

"Hey." Fuck the raspy voice.

"Hi." You smiled at him softly.

"How'd ya sleep?" Peter asked resisting the urge to stroke your cheek and kiss you softly.

"Surprisingly nice."

"Why's that surprising?" Peter quirks a brow.

"Cuz you literally thrash around when you sleep on the quinjet." You point out.

Peter rolls his eyes. "Whatever, did I kick you?"


"Then we're good." He flashes you a quirky smile. You smile, hand coming up to push some curls back. Peter's breath hitches, as your hand trails his cheeks, softly caressing his jaw, eyes fixated on the actions of your hand.

Peter let's you go at your own pace. Trying to control his heart from beating so fucking fast, you'll hear!

You clear your throat, pulling your hand away, deflating Peter's heart in a millisecond. "I'm sorry." You mumble shyly.

"It's fine. I like it." Peter was surprised how smooth and calm his words were coming out considering how clammy his hands are and his erratic heart.

You laughed softly. "I dunno Peter." You say, confusing Peter now.

"Can I kiss you?" Peter asks before you can crush, break, shatter, and stomp on his heart.

"What?" You raise your brows. Peter was going on his own.

"Please." His eyes bore into yours. You only nodded, letting Peter's hand stroke your cheek, licking his lips before leaning up to connect his lips with yours. Your eyes flutter shut as Peter softly pushed against yours, his heart instantly ripping out of his chest and running-but then you kiss him back.

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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