Not My Little Girl ☆

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer spideyyeet on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Stark!Reader

Warnings → language, suggestive

Summary → The reader and Peter gets caught by Tony.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

You both fumbled kicking and pulling at your clothes before you both sat on your bed with only in your underwear's and your bra. Peter nibbled on his lip as his hand hesitantly rested on your bare waist, leaning in to kiss your lips. It was soft, before you finally pulled him closer by the back of his head, causing Peter to fall on top of you.

You both laughed lightly, as Peter kissed you more and more until you were fully making out, his hips grinding into yours. Your stomach flipped when you felt his hard boner rubbing against you.

Peter sat up, pushing his boxers down, your cheek flushing deeply once you saw his cock spring free. He tried not to look at your reaction, before kicking off his boxers on the floor. Peter finally smiled once he saw your little smirk.

"Don't give me that look." Peter mumbled, kissing your neck. You laughed lightly.

"Why not?" You asked, chest shaking as you laughed more.

"Cuz it just makes me wanna fuck you into the mattress until you lose your voice screaming my name." Peter smirked once he saw your cheeks flush. "Hmm nothing to say?"

"Shut up." You grumbled, Peter laughing before catching your lip again. You moaned into his mouth, as Peter ripped your panties off, hands coming around your back making your back arch so he can unclasp your bra.

Peter hummed, seeing your nipples harden. His hands coming up to massage them, twisting the nipples. "So fuckin gorgeous." He praised, lowering his head down-and just as his lips made contact with your nipple, the door came swinging open-

"Hey y/n quick questio-what the FUCK!" Tony exclaimed, quickly turning around as he covered his eyes screaming his head off.

"FUCK!" You shouted in panic.

"SHIT!" Peter shouted in fear, grabbing the blankets to cover you both, Peter hiding under them.

"Whatthefuckwhatthefuck-nononononnono," Tony was freaking out-no you're still his little girl, what was happening-of course he knows but he doesn't want to know!!!

"PARKER!!!" Tony screams at the top of his lungs, sending a wave of fear through Peter, making him tremble, eyes filling up with tears.

"Dad get outt-"You started, but of course the screaming and yelling was going to raise some alarms-

"What's happening-" Steve came, Nat following. "What's wrong??!?" Steve looked past Tony who had his back faced towards you and Peter.

"Oh shit." Nat held a hand over her mouth to stop the giggling. You shot her glance for help and she obviously caught it. "Tony how about you get some fresh air-"

"PARKER BETTER FUCKING RUN-" Tony shouted, before Nat and Steve were dragging him out.

"Calm down, let em get.... decent then you can kill the kid." Steve said, only making Peter bury his face into the pillows making his prayers.

The door closed behind them, Nat quickly sending you a text to be down in five.

"Peter you're fine." You said hugging his shoulder but Peter was on the verge of breaking into tears.

"I'm gonna die today-I didn't even have sex with my gorgeous girlfriend on my last day on earth!" Peter cried out, making you roll your eyes at his dramatics.

"He's not gonna kill you, chill, he'll scare the shit outta you, but no killing. Now c'mon or he will kill the both of us."

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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