Cockwarming ✵

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer spideyyeet on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → Cockwarming

Summary → Cockwarming with Peter while watching Star Wars.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

Sighed softly, eyes cast up as Peter tangled his fingers in your hair, lightly massaging your scalp. Your head resting on his lap as his eyes looked ahead at the Luke Skywalker running around the jungle with Yoda on his back.

You'd seen all the films already, you were just exhausted, and Peter looked so pretty. His jawline was so sharp, his lips agape and eyes so pure and big as if it's his first time watching it.

You shuffled closer, turning your head to kiss the line of skin peaking out above his sweats. Peter smiled softly, running his thumb over your forehead soothingly, not looking down at you.

You didn't stop though, your lips trailing his skin, sending goosebumps through his body. You licked over his v-line, before sucking on the skin.

"Y/n." Peter sighed, eyes fluttering as he looked down at you sucking on his skin, your hand resting on his waist as you licked over the bruise.

You continued to kiss his lower stomach, his abs tensing in anticipation as you started pulling his sweats down, smiling when his semi-hard cock came out.

Peter watched you carefully, cock twitching as your head still rested on his thigh, as your finger skimmed up his cock. You leaned over licking a bold strip up the underside of his shaft.

"Fuck-" Peter bit his lip, groaning when you started sucking his tip, hand moving up and down his girth. You were holding yourself, waiting until Peter was fully hard before you sat up fully.

"Baby-" Peter whimpered, but you smiled, pushing his hair back as you cupped his face, leaning closer and kissing him softly. Peter hummed, opening his mouth for you letting your tongue dance inside his mouth as his cock twitched standing up.

"Wanna try cockwarming Parker?" You asked him, kissing the corner of his lips. Peter nodded and said, "I-I don't really know what to do," his hand on the small of your back as you kneeled beside him.

"Well um-" you sat beside him, pushing your own sweats and panties off. Discarding them on the ground before you straddle your (best friend) boyfriend.

Peter watched you with big eyes, taking in every word as you peppered his neck with kisses explaining to him: "so my dick is just gonna be inside you and I can't move?" Peter's brows furrowed together.

"Mhm." You nodded.

Peter frowned. "Well what's the point then?"

You rolled your eyes. "I like having you inside of me. It's nice and full."

Peter blushed hard. "Oh."

You licked your lips, eyes flickering between his eyes. "We don't have to if you don't-"

"No no, it's fine, I was just asking. I've never done it before-well anything really since we started-cuz you were my first-"

"I was your first?" You blurted.

Peter's eye widen. "Wha-I thought you knew." Peter panicked afraid he scared you.

You broke, laughing. "Yea I knew, you're my first too, remember?" Peter huffed.

"I hate you." He grumbled. You smiled wickedly, making Peter chuckle. "So you want my dick is that it?" Peter smirked.

"Shut up." You blushed.

"I'm just making sure, it's a little unclear-"

"Yes I want your dick Peter, jeez." You rolled your eyes, making Peter laugh. He leaned over kissing your neck.

"Well hop on." Peter winked. You let out a breathy laugh, before lifting yourself up, Peter biting his lip as he rubbed his cock through your folds, wetting them nicely.

You shivered at Peter's actions. He circled his tip on your clit, making you moan so softly. Finally he lined his cock with your entrance, holding your waist, lowering you.

"Fuck-" Peter groaned, as you fully sunk down on him.

You let out a sigh, eyes closed head tilted back as your body flowed knowing you were full. Peter instinctively thrusted up when he felt himself bottom out.

"Peter." You held his shoulders sternly.

"Sorry-it's just-you're so tight Y/n." Peter's face was flushed as you rolled your eyes.

"Just don't think about it. Watch the movie Pete." You sighed, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. Peter held your waist close, nice and cozy against your warm hoodie.

"How am I not supposed to think about it, my dick is inside you, all hard and-" Peter mumbles to himself, only earning a pinch to his shoulder making him yelp.

Peter tries to settle, minutes go by and his cock slowly starts to soften, until you shifted on him, going up then back down. Peter bit his lip to stop his groan, his blood rushing back down and filling his cock inside you.

Peter rests his head on your shoulder, eyes screwed shut as he holds you close. Focusing on your breathing and heart beat, the warmth emitting from you onto him. The softness of your hoodie instead of your tight cunt unintentionally squeezing around him.

It felt nice having Peter inside you. He did fidget a lot, but he stayed quiet and kissed your neck from time to time. The film was coming to an end when Peter got more fidgety. He was burying his nose in your neck as his biceps bulged in his shirt and his arms were fully wrapped around you.

"Peter?" You tried to pull away, your hand holding the back of his head as the other was placed on his upper arm.

Peter didn't bulge-"Peter, hey-" you rubbed his arm, but Peter's face stayed buried. You leaned forward, breathing heavily against his ear, nibbling softly and squeezing around him.

"Open your eyes Peter." You whispered, sending Peter finally hearing you and pulling away.

"Hi." You push his curls back, as Peter stares up at you.

"Hi." He smiles softly.

"You can fuck me now." You finally break.

"Oh thank fucking god-" Peter says whilst flipping you over. "I was so close to cumming but I held it back for you. Aren't I a great boyfriend?" Peter smirks, wiggling his brows and he pins your hands above your head, kissing your neck.

"Great is a big word-I would say okay, I guess." You tease, making Peter pull away, brows scrunched together.

"Sometimes words hurt."

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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