Sticky Resident Weirdo ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer tinyyoungblood on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → language. tbh this is just fluff and best friends crushing on each other

Summary → Peter can't sleep so goes to his best friend's place.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

"What the hell are you doing here?!" You shrieked, backing against the headboard of your bed to put some distance between you. Your eyes were still adjusting to the dark, but the human-sized lump hanging off your ceiling was familiar enough.

Especially when it yelped and nearly plummeted to death.

Wide-eyed, Peter flung his arms around like he was fending off something feral. "Shhh! You're going to wake everybody up!"

"Oh, I'm sorry," you snapped, heart still racing like crazy. "I didn't mean to interrupt. Let me go back to sleep so you can continue to watch me, fucking creep."

"I wasn't watching you," he shot back, sounding panicky now. You almost snorted. God forbid, Peter Parker made a bad impression in someone's bedroom at three o'clock in the morning.

"What? Did you come here to murder me?" You crossed your arms, catching your breath now. "Because I already told you. I didn't lose your stupid pen. It's in the front pocket of your backpack."

"It's not that." Peter rolled his eyes like you were the unreasonable one and shuffled his feet. Since he was crouching in his Spider-Man pose, it didn't have the same effect. He just looked like a big crab. "I, er...just couldn't sleep."

You wanted to laugh.

"Yeah, I don't think that explains any of this."

"What do you mean?" He asked, innocently.

You raised an eyebrow. "You know, usually, people try hot milk or count sheep. They don't normally break into people's homes and shush them when they wake up and scream bloody murder."

"Well, most people aren't as sticky as me. And you didn't answer your phone, so that's partially on you." He gave you a pointed look before tilting his head to stretch the side of his neck.

Even in the dark, you could make out his flushed cheeks. They were rosier than usual, but other than that he seemed fine. Perfectly fine, actually. You wondered how he didn't straight up die when all of his blood was rushing to his head.

"Besides, I thought you might still be up." Peter shrugged. "It's not like you typically have a healthy sleep schedule. And obviously, I wasn't going to stay if you were already asleep."

"Obviously," you echoed.


"So..." You glanced at the open window when no one spoke. "What now?"

Peter pursed his lips, thinking. You considered offering him a glass of water to be polite, but since he wasn't really a guest and you weren't really a hostess, you were pretty sure the situation didn't ask for proper etiquette. You sat quietly and waited.

How funny would it be if there were actually spiders in that corner and they saw Peter as their leader? You snickered at the thought.

Finally, he shrugged. "I still can't sleep."


"Yeah," he sighed, tipping his head back. He was staring at the floor now, possibly pouting-it was too dark to tell-when his entire face suddenly lit up. "But I could always sleep here, right?"

"On the ceiling?" You asked, confused. "Don't you have ceilings at home?"

"I'd sleep on the floor," Peter offered, grinning now.

You glanced at the wall clock and stroke your blanket mindlessly. At the end of the day, there was no harm in it, and if someone was this excited to sleep on your floor, you weren't going to be the monster who'd deny him.

"Fine," you replied and took a pillow off your bed. "Floor's all yours. There are blankets in the closet. You better not snore."

"Thanks, Y/n/n." Peter beamed and made himself comfortable.

You felt bad watching him build his little nest of blankets and nearly offered to share the bed, but then he flopped on his back and let out a content sigh as if there was no place he'd rather be.

"This is nice," he mumbled under his breath, and you glanced at him, fully expecting him to be sarcastic. But by the looks of it, Peter was being genuine. You settled back into your pillow and couldn't help but smile. What a weirdo.

Peter gave a soft laugh and mumbled into the darkness, "Yeah, but you don't mind."

You furrowed your brows and wanted to ask what he meant, when at once, heat flared up your neck and you realised what he was talking about. Clearly, you were pretty tired if you couldn't even keep your thoughts from slipping out of your mouth.

Peter eventually spoke again, his voice so gentle and serene, that you nearly missed it.

"Sweet dreams, Y/N," he said. And with that Peter's breath evened out and he began to snore quietly. But you didn't mind.

That night, you fell asleep with a smile.

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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